WTBTS responds to my friends letter (scan)

by hungry4life 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • hungry4life

    Here is the response my friend got from the WTBTS. . In her original letter she respectfully stated her questions about 1914 and poured her heart out about her concerns on other doctrinal issues. She sincerely requested help and wrote about feeling torn by the contradictions she had come accross in her personal study. she had originally sent a letter in November and received this food at the proper time in late February

    I could not post the photocopy of the Watchtower article that the WT letter refers to (I tried several time and could not get it loaded on web photos.com) so I have typed out the text to that Questions from readers section. You can verify it in the bound volumes (it is pathetic but not controversial) or if you would like me to email you a scan of it just post the request on the board and I would be happy to do that.

    Questions from Readers
    Please anwer my question in the Watchtower.-unsigned
    Among the many readers of The Watchtower who wriete in for information are some who ask personal questions on which they want a scriptural answer, but who give no name or address. Others give an address but no name. For the benefit of all, we would like to set out here the policy of the Watchtower Society in answering questions recieved.
    The Society is gald to be of help to all who sincereely sek answers to questions that call for a bible answer. First of all, a personal answer is sent by mil to the one who inquires. Then those questions that are of sufficient interest and importance are printed itn this Questions from Readers section of the Watchtower. Questions of a personal nature are of concern only to the ones involved, so these are not published. In other cases the questions asked are ones that have been ansered in recent issues of The Watchtower; of course, these will not be printed again right away, but a personal answer will be sent and, in many cases , reference will be made to the Watch Tower publications that discuss the point in question.
    However, it is the policy of the Watch Tower Society never to answer correspondance that does not bear the name of the inquirer. So let all that wish to avail themselves of the help that the publishers of the Watchtower give in providing scriptural answers to questions of a personal or doctrinal nature give their name (not merely initials)and address so they may be certain to get direct and personal attention.

    that' all folks. that is the long awaited response from the WTBTS to a faithful sister searching for answers. Over 3 months of waiting only to be directed to a 40 year old article stating that they do not answer anonymous letters(funny how they haven't had any new light on that issue). Why not answer anonymous letters? If Jehovah entrusted them with disbursing this life saving knowledge world wide and to all the inhabited earth then who cares what her name is? I loved the end of the article where it says that by including your name and address you can be assured of getting direct and personal attention. Oh Yeah I bet it will be direct and personal and in the form of a Judicial Commitee (ahhh Jehovah's loving provisions).

    As you look at the letter notice the letter coding at the top the ECE:ECZ right before the date. Does any one know excactly what this coding means? I have seen it on other posted WT letters as well. My guess is that it is an identification code and that if they see it posted here they can look up where it originally came from. I realized this after I had scanned it and to be honest I didn't bother to cross it out because I realldon't care what they think or do (she used my p.o. box so it would not mean any trouble for her) I am just posting this thought in order to make others aware of the possibility if they are going to post similar letters. (If I am wrong about this coding then please correct me).

    When my friend first read the letter she was sad and disgusted but said that in the last 3 months she had come to understand so much more truth about the society that she was not surprised by their callous and mechanical response.

  • hungry4life

    Sorry for the small size of that scan. I could not even read it. What did I do wrong? How do I enlarge it? Does it have to do with the amount of Jpeg compression? If so what should I set it at? If anybody can help me out by posting the letter and article please let me know so I can email you my scans. Thanks

  • terafera

    Thank you for using time and energy to post this letter. I cannot believe they would not answer your friend, only tell her they need to know her name.

    This is because 1. They can have someone contact her in service or 2. Have a JC call her in.

    Sick..why cant they help her? If Jesus saw a sick sheep lying on the ground, would he say he couldnt help it until he knew it's name? Of course not! We are all his sheep.... that was a disgraceful and pathetic attempt at pushing the real issue aside.

    Again, I can tell you have put energy and time into posting this..thank you.

  • VM44

    The "Questions From the Readers" article leaves out one very
    important policy that the Watchtower has towards letters sent
    to them from JWs, in many instances they SEND a copy of the letter
    to the elders of the letter sender's congregation!!!!!

    This is why they want the sender's name and address.

    Copies of your letters to Brooklyn will end up in your
    congregational file!

    ....but, of course, they are not going to mention anything
    about this policy.

    --VM44 (Anonymous letter writer class)

  • puzzled

    I'm sorry I don't mean to take away from the "point" of your thread at all, it's just as I was reading it, it took me back to when I was a kid. I can laugh at it now but at the time I was really serious and meant business!

    My parents were d'fpd and reproved at the time and without going into detail I wrote a BIG letter to the "Meanies" in Brooklyn. I was so upset. I did this on my own my parents new nothing about it. I never heard back from them and forgot about it. Then months later my mom comes in from getting the mail, shes reading a letter stops and looks at me real serious(actually shocked) and asks"Did you write to the society?"
    Oh my gawd I thought then said "Yes I DID!! I don't think they are thinking right!!" I was sure I was in trouble. My mom laughed wadded up the letter and I never got to see it. She said it wasn't important.
    just though i'd share that.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Yes, the initials in the letter identify the writer of the letter from the “Society.” Ray Franz, in his first book I believe, points out some of these initials and identifies who some initials represent.

    The WTS will not answer anonymous letters of inquiry. However, all of its letters, including answers to signed letters of inquiry, are sent anonymously (to the recipient, but known to the “Society”). Can they get anymore arrogant?

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Solomon

  • LDH

    Sam is right.

    The bible they use is written anonymously and yet they want your name when you write them a letter.

    Along these lines, I am drafting a 'masterpiece' of a letter, which I am planning to send to 125 Columbia Hts. via certified mail, with certified copies being sent to all family members. I will also be sending a certified copy to my local newspaper, and I will make sure the WTBS knows they are awaiting a response as well.

    I will be addressing blood, the UN, and their many recent policy changes. I will post it here when I do.

    Sorry for the response your friend got, thx for posting it here.


  • 2SYN

    Lisa: You go girl! I can't wait to see what they do...it's great to see somebody finally putting a bit of pressure on those losers! Thumbs up to you!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • gumby

    What would happen if you sent them a bogus name and address?
    Would they check the validity of it before they answered you?
    What if you have a friend inquire that is not/has not...been a dub?

    If they do check you out and find you have sent bogus info.....will they respond at all...or tell you about it?
    Who has done this and what happened?

    I would like to know as I have wanted to inquire about certain things but wondered how to go about it as they have my #

  • Frenchy

    WARNING: The following is my opinion only... based on past dealings with the WTBS.

    If you write as merely an interested person and a non-witness you could, with your friend's permission, use his/her name and address. I would think that they would probably respond either directly or forward your letter to the nearest congregation with instructions to go to that address and 'help' you with your questions.

    But>>>If you stipulate in the letter that you are a witness, your letter will be sent to the nearest congregation with instructions to seek you out on this matter in an effor to 'help' you with your problem.

    THIS IS ASSUMING THAT YOUR LETTER HAS A RESPECTFUL TONE. If they smell something fishy it will probably just be discarded.

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