Woman jumps into pool during Long Beach DC!

by puffthedragon 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    What a pity she forgot to don her Sparlock tee shirt first !

  • JWdaughter

    She is an apostate who is just trying to defame the name of Jehovah. You know that no REAL witness ever loses their mind and does anything insane! And if she wasn't already DF'dl, she will be retroactively DF'd so that they can say she was "no longer a member of JW at the time of the incident."

  • jemba


    Wasnt she wearing pants? Shes gotta be an apostate.

    I noticed that comments have been disabled for the video.

  • Heartofaboy

    The thought all those old willies hanging around in such a small amount of water & then having to be dunked in it......eeeewwww

  • Azazel

    I hope she revealed to the elders there at that convention that she was draged by magic into the pool and baptised in the name of the "Great Sparlock" our warrior wizard Lord! lol

  • blondie

    Azazel, you said exactly what I was thinking when I saw the title of this thread; after all there were walking/talking Smurfs at the DCs.

  • Azazel

    heh heh Blondie :)

  • Greybeard

    THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! Jesus would most likely have said, "I have never seen such faith in all the land" and praised the woman... What do these guys do? They refuse to baptise her and make her get out... How Christian is this? Maybe she wanted to wash off all the BS she just heard at the DC!

  • Hermano

    OMG, That is hilarious. She's my hero.

  • BorgHater

    Perhaps she was told ' Arrrrmmmmaaaaggggeeeedddddooooonnnssss' comming the next day. LOL

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