This is fantastic! Penn is crazy smart and is just an all around cool guy. Penn and Teller are my heroes (really!)
Penn just tweeted about Sparlock
by blond-moment 33 Replies latest jw friends
He's got to have like, a zillion followers -- good exposure!
did you see this repy to Penn?
@pennjillette Unfortunately the Jehovah's Witnesses help keep me in a job (I'm a shrink). Not that they mean to. Very sad video.
A JW started tweeting back to Penn that it's fake and not from the Watchtower Society.... too funny Would love to see his face when he goes to the convention and picks up the video!
This is why the Watchtower tells the JWs to stay off the internet trying to defend their faith/religion... hahaha so funny3M :)
...and if the JW hadn't protested so much in support of the Org, Penn's tweet would probably have been overlooked, lol.
...and if the JW hadn't protested so much in support of the Org, Penn's tweet would probably have been overlooked, lol.
Spot on MidwichCuckoo, his protest will stir curiosity about this 'JW Sparlock Video' and more people might want to see it.
This jw has either not gone to his own DC yet or is lying through his teeth. Evidently he has not contacted jw media or he would know. And he considers himself the expert on bible prophecies and lifestyle.
Grrr...I can see (on main forum) there are further posts, but can't access them on thread <sigh>