I find this logic just so delicious! @Fernando.
I must say since leaving the WT my "logic eyes" have been opened and I am amazed that I couldn't reason basic things out back then with just pure logic.
Another thing I was thinking about "The truth will set you free" That is what Jesus said many times over and over. I have been pondering these words...is it the truth about religion - that they don't hold the key? Is it the truth that it is up to us, free our minds, let the ego go? It is a very powerful thing if you do not need the religions, the politicians, the ego - it is a hugely liberating experience. And the great sense of electrified peace (hard to explain) that you feel - it's like looking at life/man through new eyes. Things don't HAVE to be this way or that. I don't HAVE to be right and when I'm wrong, there is no need to get upset.
Just having a really good day today.