Do you really care?

by LouBelle 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    I ask this because I've come to a place in my life where I can respect everyone's view - whether I agree with it or not.

    Lou, you are such a pure, sweet, clear soul. I have been able to tell that about you ever since I first read your posts here. You have reached the live and let live stage of healing, beyond Jehovah's Witnesses. You're an example to everyone.


    AGuest “While I'm not sure I can agree with the first part of that, I certainly believe the last part. I am defined by who... and what... I believe I am. Isn't everyone? ”

    Yes, we are all defined by what we believe, support, or the ideals we live by.

    If our ego or self image is defined by a strong conviction or belief system, then we will feel compelled to defend it against any attack or undermining. As you say, this a necessary part of living in a world where people live by different ideals. The danger arises when the belief system does harm to society. Flexibility and finding common ground, can lead to peace. This board provides an arena where beliefs can be challenged and adjusted. On the whole it works very well.

  • tec

    What I'd like to you care if there is a god or not?

    I care about God...

    Do you care if you have found a religion and others haven't?

    I have not found a religion. Perhaps that helps me not to care if others have or have not. Do I care if others have faith in Christ and God or not? I would love for people to know them... simply because of the peace that this brings me. But do I think less of someone, or fear for them, or think I should push faith on the, or feel disrespect for anyone who does not? No. Absolutely not.

    How serious is it if people don't agree with your spiritual agenda?

    No serious at all.

    Do you feel you have to defend yourself to the point of disrepecting another ... just to be "right"? If so WHY?

    To the point of disrespecting another?


    Just to be right?

    Also no.

    If I defend myself or someone else, then it is because I or someone else (including Christ and God) have been lied about or falsely accused. Sometimes I hope to dispell the lie. Sometimes I hope to offer support. But if a person does not speak out about a lie or false accusation, then they are allowing the lie to continue, and lies hurt both those who believe them and the one who is being lied about.

    I can absolutely respect someone who respects others regardless of whether or not they agree with their beliefs, Loubelle. You sound like a beautiful person to share a 'cuppa' with.



  • mrsjones5

    Nope, I don't really care. I've been saying this on the board for a few weeks now.

  • Dagney

    I ask this because I've come to a place in my life where I can respect everyone's view - whether I agree with it or not. I'm happy to associated with you, have a cuppa, be kind and discuss any subject. I don't have to be right and don't mind if I am wrong - on any given subject. I realise that we all have an opinion - I may not like yours, or may not agree with it, but you have the right to it and that is what I respect.

    Well said LouBelle! I am standing in that spot with you. It's wonderful here isn't it?

  • FlyingHighNow

    It is a good sign that a person has made progress out of a cult when the person no longer needs to be pushy about what he or she believes or doesn't believe. It's a very healthy milestone to reach and path to walk.

  • AGuest

    I have to say that I absolutely agree with... and practice... what Jer stated (peace to you all!):

    I discuss God's [lack of] existence on the forum because that is the proper place to do it.

    I totally agree - this IS the place to do it, rather than infringing on people at their front door. I believe it cuts both ways, though, and applies just as much to discussing God's existence as His non-existence. That was part of the purpose of the Board to begin with. Leaving God and Christ was not, in an of itself, a prequisite for leaving the WTBTS... or participating here. Nor have I perceived from Simon, et al., that it is now.

    I don't discuss it often with people in person unless they start it, because it is such a passionate thing for most, leading to argument.

    There are people here who know me personally, or who have spoken with me off the Board... who know this is literally true. If they ask... or start it... then that, to me, is an invitation TO discuss it. Otherwise, we don't even go there. And that really is how it should be, IMHO.

    I will tell you what I REALLY don't care about: Rielle Hunter's relationship and baby with... what's his name... (oh, shoot, what IS his name? )... or whether Kim Kardashian's (who I love! Well, really like - I don't care if she doesn't have any [true] talent - not important to me and who says what "talent" is, anyway?) marriage to (dang, what's HIS name??) was a hoax or not.

    That, I utterly do not care about.

    Peace, chikkens, truly!

    A slave of Christ,


  • OnTheWayOut

    Hey, I would love to see every country end its military but maybe not go as far as ending their police forces. But IQuit was most likely talking about defending principles and ideas in an arena where discussion of such is allowed and no guns show up when people disagree.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Gladiator is right about heated debates. It is all about ego. It's not "this is right" it's "I am right". If something is right it doesn't need us to defend it. It's just right no matter what.

    Very wise and true. And it's just there, doing its good in perpetuity.

  • wasblind

    Loubell have found her own personal Paradise

    that's what I call livin' and lettin' live

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