At 16 I was the 2nd in command of the painters and decorators for very similar reasons to the original post, nobody wanted to do it. When we went to different halls, there was a professional internal decorator on the team but she was a SHE.
By the second build I had accidently given the wrong paint out and told someone to GLOSS a wall.
That took some doing to fix.
"Here I am send me" is just dumb. I got better by the way, the deep end will do that to you. The third build I got to, NO paint materials had been ordered. Being slightly smarter at 17 I got all the old orders out and ordered all the generic items again in the same quantity. I should not have had that much responsibility with peoples donated money.
I often think of those times as the best years of my life, they were. But they were also built on a lie. Ironically lots of organisations and charities build buildings, some in a weekend. I am sure it is a fun and warm experience for them too. I am also sure there are plenty of cock ups.
The last big project I did involved painting a ceiling with gold paint. At this point I was 'in charge' (yuck) of a few people. I thought it would be funny to write my name in gold on the ceiling... there was much hilarity... until people walked in and could read it even after the ceiling had been fully painted.
Good times, good people, good motives, badly wrong.
Snare x