hey everybody, I'm a Christian, but I'm not a jehovah's witness and I recently made friends with one, I know little to nothing about this religion and I would like to know more, can anyone help me out by way of how it is different from say, an evangelical free Christian church? and what sort of theology and doctrine JW's go by and such, I'd really appreciate it, thank you
I'm new here
by konkreetgurl 23 Replies latest jw friends
Rado Vleugel
Hi Newbe,
On my site you’ll find a lot of general info on JW’s. For a ‘Christian touch’ you can browse the link-section where you’ll find a lot of sites that are run by Christian webmasters.
Rado Vleugel
http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/ -
Smoldering Wick
Hi konkreetgurl and welcome. It's nice that you have made friends and are interested in what he/she believes. There is a lot of information about JWs online. I will try to be brief...and give you a little bit. I had to look up what an evangelical free Christian church believes before I could try and compare them to JWs.
JWs do not believe that a person is saved through faith...works play a big part in their salvation.JWs do not believe Jesus died on a cross...but, a "stake"
JWs believe that only 144,000 are born of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God. (Anointed, Heavenly Hope)
JWs believe that there is a second class of people who will be saved but to live here on earth, not heaven. These are called the "Great Crowd of Other Sheep"
JWs believe that the Lord's Supper is the only ordinance to be observed by them.
evangelical free Christian church believes:
That Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church, and that every local church has the right under Christ to decide and govern its own affairs. [1 Corinthians 3:11; 1 Timothy 3]
JWs believe that a group of men in New York (who are part of the remaining ones of the 144,000 who go to heaven) are the only ones who have the right to make all the decisions for JWs worldwide. They are called the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" A JW cannot doubt or question these decisions or they will be Disfellowshipped (Kicked out, Excommunicated, Shunned by Family and Friends)JWs do not believe in a fiery Hell. But, consider Hell not a place of torment but merely the grave.
JWs do not believe in the Trinity. They believe there is only One God and His name is Jehovah. His Son is "a" god, not "the" god. The holy spirit is a force not a person.
JWs do not believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe when you die you merely cease to exist until you are called in the resurrection. They believe that the 144,000 will be resurrected to heaven as soon as they die...but, the "Other Sheep" will have to wait until after Armageddon.
JWs believe that God will destroy all the wicked on earth (99.9% of earth's population who are not JWs) and that only the "righteous" will survive.
JWs believe that you have to be baptized as a JW to survive Armageddon (be saved).
JWs believe that Satan is a real being who is controlling the earth and the political governments now.
JWs do not tolerate abortion, believe in reincarnation, the rapture, speaking in tongues, idols, purgatory.
JWs do not celebrate Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, July 4th, Valentine's Day....etc.
JWs do not vote.
JWs do not accept blood transfusions.
JWs do not salute the flag.
JWs are supposed to marry only other JWs.
JWs cannot smoke, get drunk, gamble, celebrate holidays, vote, salute the flag, take blood, have sex outside of marriage, believe or think differently than the men in New York or they will get Disfellowshipped (Kicked out, Excommunicated, Shunned by family and friends)
I know there is a lot more...but, that will get you started.
You can also visit http://www.freeminds.org/
Hope this helps.
Hi konkreetgurl,
Just read through the posts here and you'll find out little by little about what's really happening in the WTS.
Just keep in mind however, that a lot of people here have been hurt by the WTS (including myself) for all the damage and lies that this organization did to us.
Our choice of words may not be the best at times. The fact that we are hurt plays into the WTS hands, since the WTS claims that all ex-JWs are apostates and "frothing at the mouth and hatefull"....and sometimes when a new poster comes here, they see how hurt and upset the people are...and of course they take it the wrong way.
However, what is posted is pretty much correct, whether it's the WTS involvement in the United Nations, their policy on the blood issue (which they are changing little by little by allowing more and more blood components to be transfused), the 1914 generation that has pretty much died away now and won't see Armageddon (contrary to all the articles the WTS printed in the past)....the list goes on and on.
I hope this helps you out a bit,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada -
Hi Konkreet,
The others have said it all, just keep reading, and maybe drop into live chat and ask, ask, ask.
Welcome, and it's good you have decided to see what your friend's religion is about.
Guest 77
Take 'small' steps you won't be dissappointed.
Guest 77
Welcome to the board!
It is important that you do not try to shove any of this info down your friends throat or she will get very upset.
It wouldent be wise to tell her right away that you have been to an apostate site or any other site that speaks of the watchtower in any manner which is less than positive.
Rember this is very important! Dont start discussing anything with her untill you know more... OK?
Stick around for a while then mabe you will find out some facinating things about the jws.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.
Hi Konkreetgurl!
Nice to meet you
I myself am a christian now, had been a JW while in High school.
I left the JWs after some christian friends of mine urged me to study the Bible on my own, apart from Watchtower literature. I became a believer at that time. JWs are very different than Christians. They claim to be the true Christians though. The best thing I can say is always study and read the Bible yourself-- don't take anyones word for what it is saying! Please e-mail me to talk about this if you'd like-- I have spoken with many JWs and have researched my faith and theirs in depth. Our God is awesome !
<>< Angie[email protected]
If you have aol instant messenger you can try to catch me online too,
screen name: AngieGrasonCaleb -
Hello and welcome.
I now attend an evangelical church after sixteen years as a witness (1973-1989). The other posts have given you the differences in a nutshell. If you'd like more information my e-mail is [email protected] and AOL screen name is SneakyThomas
Mr Ben
The JW's are not a religion but a dangerous cult. Be very wary. See the following:
Religion n.
An organisation designed to promote atheism.