Colordo Springs Disater - Waldo Canon Fire Support

by HintOfLime 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • HintOfLime

    I hope everyone else in Colorado Springs is doing ok, and getting to safety if they are inside the evacuated areas!

    For those that don't know, it is a literal apocolypse here. :(

    Today a lost pomeranian showed up at my back doorstep. I called the number on his tag - his owners had been forced to evacuate and in the confusion the dog went missing. Looks like I'm dog sitting the little guy for a bit.

    - Lime

  • Magwitch

    Barely breathing here in Boulder Lime. Take care of yourself. This is all so sad!

  • HintOfLime

    Ah yeah - I just exchanged emails with a friend living in Boulder - sounds like they are in a similar situation. Bad year for fires. :/

    Take care!

    - Lime

  • Diest

    The fires here are terrible. I hope everyone stays safe.

    HOL and Magwitch, we all need to do a colorado apostafest in the next few months....It would be fun. I think Zidna, sheeptoslaughter, and Thor are in co too.

  • Magwitch

    Diest, I thought you were out of town. Or did you just tell me that so you would not have to come to my party Saturday?

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Yup.... Sheep2slaughter present and accounted for. Springs is crazy right now. No end in sight. Let me know about the apostafest and count me in! Well wishes going out to all those serving our community in whichever way they/you are. And to all of us suffering...keep your head up. This too shall pass...

  • HintOfLime

    Yeah, count me in for a meet-up as well.

    - Lime

  • Quendi

    You can be sure I'm anxiously watching the unfolding fire disaster in my adoptive home state of Colorado. A friend in Boulder called me on Tuesday night to tell me about the fire on Green Mountain and that evacuation orders had been enforced for Shanahan Ridge. The folks in the Table Mesa area had been warned that they might have to leave their homes as well. The fires in Poudre and Waldo Canyons have made the news down here as well.

    I'm 1300 miles away in Birmingham, Alabama and have been answering a lot of questions from my family about this horror. National forests in the South are a completely different kettle of fish from their Western counterparts. There are too many differences to enumerate here but one that I will mention is size. We're talking about tens of thousands of acres for a Southern forest versus hundreds of thousands and even millions of acres for a Western one. Had these fires occurred in Alabama and grown to the same size as the Colorado ones, Alabama's forests would have been completely destroyed.

    Right now, it's hotter in Colorado than it is in Alabama and it's much drier out there, too. Humidity levels haven't dropped below 30% here since I returned in April and these last seven days have been the first week I've seen that had no rain. Birmingham's yearly precipitation totals are triple what my former home in Boulder's are and the humidity levels are treble Boulder's as well. Decades of poor forest management are responsible for this disaster and the Colorado forests are cleansing themselves of human mismanagement. It's a terrible price to pay for interfering with normal, natural forest development, but we saw the same thing in Yellowstone National Park 24 years ago with its disastrous and fiery summer. But once the fires have burned, the soot and embers grown cold, and the replenishing rains and snows finally arrive, the recovery and rebirth of a new and healthier ecosystem will begin.


  • Soldier77

    I would be interested in a meet-up in Colorado, I don't live there, but I have friends and family that live there and I frequent the state a few times a year.

  • JeffT

    Magwitch (and others in Boulder). How bad is it there? My daughter and her companion are here in Seattle for the summer, they have a fellow staying in their place (near Naropa University). All we've heard is that its bad.

    I may be down there in August, I hope there's a town left.

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