I had a little secret rebelion I kept up all the way through my JW time! I refused to learn the books of the bible or to remember scriptures!!! Even when I was a genuine, super-zelous MS!!
For example, I might know a verse word for word, and I might know the referece, but there's only about 5 that I can connect - just enough not to get caught out too often!!!!
I could recite the books from Genesis to Song of Solomon and from Matthew to 2 Corinthians (and knew anything else Greek sounding was right at the back), but that was about it. (I got that far with extensive compulsary one-on-one coaching from an elderly sister when I was 10).
I used to have a whole lot of work-arounds and tricks for getting through and I seldom got caught-out, if I did I just pretended to be having a dumb moment! Like I'd watch to see where a speaker opened his bible for a book like Nehamiah, open mine about the same place and just flick...
And the silly think was, I was taken serioulsy! What a joke! I'd have been an elder by now for sure if I'd have stayed around. What a wanker I was...
Toward the end, I started to take advantage of leading the FS group. I'd take the sacrifice of working alone so everyone else could have a partner (after carfully arranging the group to make odd numbers). Then I'd walk to the door and just stand there. If I was being watched, I'd knock on the bricks. It worked but the only interesting part of it was manipulating the group so I could play my games and get away with it.
So, if your FS leader does odd things... talk to him, he may be an apostate too!!!! ;-)
You have any other silly little rebelions??