Quendi, thank you. It really does help to hear that you're not crazy for feeling so gutted by Dub's behavior. The support I have found here truly has helped even just by reading others experience, it helps to know you're not alone. This is what I wanted to convey to Oompa -- he is not alone, he is appreciated and loved. Quendi, that is how your post just made me feel. I am deeply grateful. ~ Fortis
"please sign in" was all mom said to me and my boys at her sisters funeral yesterday at the kindom hall
by oompa 36 Replies latest jw friends
So sorry. You showed your compassion for them and they have lost out. Sometimes when we are the better person we are empowered they are the ones who cannot talk to us, they are the ones behaving badly. We have the choice to be there, to offer condolances to speak to them and to watch them struggle like fish on a hook.
Peace to you and your family.
Sorry you have had deal with shit like this. Thinking of you!
Sorry. Being shunned is hard to deal with for sure. In a way I'm glad my folks think of me as dead. Now I don't have to deal with them. I will probably never be notified if one of them dies or gets seriously ill and thats going to be for the best. I hope one day your folks open up to you oopa.
Oompa, you have had your share of challenges the last couple of years. It is an old story with JW's. If your life gets involved with it through loved ones you can expect to have to deal with their ugliness. They can't be happy people.
Best regards
With that kind of attitude - wonder why she even cared if you signed in or not?
Other than saying how sorry I am, the only other thing I can tell you is that you'll get used to it. My jw mom has shunned me for 24 years, and as cruel as it sounds, I very seldom think about her.
I heard of a woman in my old congregation who had three or four adult children, all of whom left the cult, and one died in a car accident by the time she passed away. I looked up her obituary on line, and the only survivor listed was her elder husband. Not one of her kids, even the one who proceeded her in death, or any of her grandchildren were mentioned. It's like two generations of her family never existed.
so i just spent two hours making a reply...it got so long because of a letter i wrote my dad...i divded them into two posts...then with an accidental key stroke i lost them both....then i wrote another few paragraphs here like this one to explain....and ditto it happened AGAIN!....but it was all good therapy!!! losing them was probably holy spirit....
thanks for your kind words all and nope i didn't need any pity party...gone are those days.. Tthe whole thing was healing....WE AND THE FEW NON JW FAMILY THERE WERE THE NORMAL ONES!!!! laughing and getting caught up for the first time in over ten years...nothing moved me emotionally downward....except that the few people that showed up were mostly fossils...
and omg they picked some new song to sing that was a faint drooling mumble by the old faithful...it was torture as were the few words i accidently the antique speaker i accidently heard as i was taking care of biz email and surfing on my new razor max droid....sooooo funny when they try and say nice things about a pathetic slacker nobody had seen in years....i felt sorry for him as he stammered and tried to find some type of humorous anecdote to tell about her...."i remember how appreciative whe was when we rolled her fat self to the car when she could make the meetings once a year or so...and how she would always fall asleep during the entire meeting and fart incessantly...and nobody would wake her up!....chuckle/snort"
oompa....full of life and living large now...time to have some fun...and you can do that when you dont live in fear anymore....me and my boys are kickin jw ass in own special fun way....sure beats the obsession i had for trying to get people incapable of reason....and on the most important think in their life....not that they are unreasonable....but incapable of it....because the very meaning of the word involves considering many oposing viewpoints sometimes....reasoning is impossible if you cant look at both sides....man was i beating my head against the wall for five years???? REALLY?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??.....................what a waste of time......soooooooo wish i had them back...........oompa
oompie, you Know I can't resist:
sometimes, something happens that absolutley rips off the scab that encases my heart and I am, once again, slayed by the injustice.
Fortis, if i may, gently...
Sincerely, sKally