Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes split due to religious fears!

by mind blown 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWdaughter

    I think if she was "in it for the money" she would have stayed with him another 5 years! Lot more money that way. I hope she keeps her baby away from that creepy cult. He may be a nice person, but we know what cults can do to otherwise nice people.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    From what's being said it's assumed their prenup should take care of the money part of it, and I'm sure there's something in the prenup that says she has to keep her mouth shut.

    I think like the majority with money associated with Scientology she'll have to keep quiet about the inside scoop or that crazy leader will sue. But again in Hollywood nothing is sacred or off limits, investigators are hired and friends of friends are paid off for the inside dirt.

    Until now I had no idea Kidman had no contact with her children and she's also kept quiet about that whole ordeal.

  • jookbeard

    hasn't there been rumours about Toms sexuality doing the rounds and isn't there rumours about Holmes' drug issues?

  • wasblind


    Look at all these rumors surroundin' me every day
    I just need some time, some time to get away from
    From all these rumors, I can't take it no more
    My best friend said there's one out now about me and the girl next door

    Hear the one about Tina, some say she's much too loose
    That came straight from a guy who claims he's tastin' her juice
    Hear the one about Michael, some say he must be gay
    I try to argue, but they said if he was straight he wouldn't move that way
    Hear the one about Susan, some say she's just a tease
    In a camisole she's six feet tall, she'll knock you to you knees

    Will you look at all these rumors surroundin' me every day
    I just need some time, some time to get away from
    From all these rumors, I can't take it no more
    My best friend said there's one out now about me and the girl next door _________Timex Social Club

    I use to Jam to this on my way to work


  • Dogpatch



    Let's invent our own e-meters!

    What a gaseous idea!

    Fodder for many a cartoon methinks.


  • Dogpatch

    After reading Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography I don't really think Tom is gay. But very much a clever, determined opportunist. MissCavige, however, might possibly be another story. Not that I care... but he has done everything possible to court this man to the point of embarrassment even to Scientologists.


  • wasblind

    " Let's invent our own e-meters! "

    Hello there Dawg,

    Can the Elders qualify as e- meters ??? jus' askin'

  • Dogpatch

    No, wasblind, the Sci operatives run the e-meters and then contrive whatever they want from it, like a fortune teller.

    Personally I prefer a Magic 8-Ball.

    it's kind of like tin-can walkie talkies we used to make as kids, and Steve Jobs put a meter on it (just kidding) . It measures electrical conduction on the surface of your skin... sort of a silly lie detector to accumulate nergative info on you that they can use later if they have to. Think John Travolta's sad experiences.


  • kurtbethel

    Now there would be a whole new direction to go with a flash of Noo Lite TM about the Urrim and Thummim being an e-meter sort of device that can be sold to the flock at wildly inflated prices just like our Scientologist friends do. It is a great business model, and could easily pick up the slack where schlocky tired literature has failed.

    e-meter in the Watchtower's future?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    If there's a position for meter nurse I'm in

    In this article says even doubters of the religion will be shunned:

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