I am not admitted in California. Further, I have not read the relevant statutes and cases in CA law. There are several issues that pop out for me. Law is supposed to give notice to those affected by it so they can conform their conduct. If I recall, CA is a mandatory reporting state for clergy. There may be an exception for communications during penance, confession. If the WT had no notice, a higher court may reverse. I feel there are First Amendment problems with defining how a religion may offer penance. Reading some of the pleadings, though, Kendrick's expectation of privacy was small. He met with two elders, not one. It is routine JW policy that elders must first call Bethel immediately to report the confession.
The case is not a slam dunk. I can imagine both outcomes. With the RC cases, though, this verdict is so large that it sends a signal to the CA legislature to narrow the priest/pentinent privilege in terms of all religions. There is no question of notice if the legislature imposes the duty to report.
The most important thing to me is the negative publicity. The jury branded them as very bad actors with the huge punitive damage award. It has been reported throughout the world. Those smug people at Bethel must be very worried now.
I can theoretically understand the "two witness" rule for determining malfaesance within the org. that must be eliminated. Children are dismissed in the calculation. What boggles my mind is that the WT is not Caesar. I know the culture so the pleas to keep it quiet and let Jehovah deal with it play a crucial role. Understanding the culture is important.
There are tremendous differences between a civil suit and criminal prosecutions. The standard of proof for civil actions is a preponderance of the evidence while criminal law exacts the much more burdensome proof requirement of beyond a reasonable doubt. Another important case under appeal is the Philadelphia conviction of a Roman Catholic monsignor who did not engage in pedophile behavior but only covered it up and sent priests to new parishes that had no notice. The larger Roman Catholic issue brings publicity to the issue. Growing up, I always heard there was no group as venal as RCs. Yet here the JWs are following the RC paradigm.
Mandatory reporting does not interfere with church discipline because the law and church discipline are two separate issues. The Witnesses cannot impose their two witness rule on the rest of society.