Just wondering, who here is still a JW? x

by snare&racket 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Just wondering who here still attends meetings, and lives the JW life? I guess its interesting for the context of peoples comments. Also does anyone have a position such as pioneer, MS, Elder etc ?

    I never really imagined that I may be one of few here that has actually left, or maybe its the other way around and most have?

    Snare x

  • cedars

    elderelite posts on here often. He is still an active elder, but also a Thor worshipper. He goes on and on about Thor at every available opportunity. It all gets on my nerves to be honest!

    I'm still technically a JW but I no longer attend meetings. I also used to be an elder, so I know how easy it is for Thor-worshippers to get into positions of power in the organization.


  • stillin

    I still attend meetings, comment occasionately, and go to some social things. There are some who I like very much, but I have zero enthusiasm for the witnessing work, nor do I care if the leadership takes a long drop in the eyes of the rank and file. But I do not consider myself apostate because I respect people's choices (usually) and if that is what they want, to be led around like idiots, that's their prerogative

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Still in, trapped due to not wishing to lose wife (especially) and family.

    Working on the wife though. Regrettably this weekends trip to Brighton Convention at the AMEX has put me back a bit in my efforts on her.



  • goodbye

    I was raised a JW but never baptised. Studied again as an adult, never baptised.

  • Flat_Accent

    Hey cedars, don't let EE catch you saying that! Goodness knows what will befall you.

    The Majority of JW's on here are either faders or stuck in the religion for other personal issues. Most of them know it's BS. Though you do get the occassional one that makes Hit & Run threads, or makes comments like "Is this site for apostates?" But they are gone as quickly as they arrive, most of the time.

  • paladin

    I'm still in and go to meetings.I feel like running away at times. Recently I have had thoughts about telling long-winded commenters at the meetings to please shut up. Once you wake up you just can't stand listening to the same old crap every week. My wife is a born-in JW and she hasn't started to wake up yet, but I'm working on it.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I fall in line with much of what stillin said. The only exception is commenting. Since I stopped over 2 years ago, I haven't tried again.

    I miss a lot of meetings but do attend when I can in support of my wife.

    So far, nothing said currently by the WTS has convinced me to retrace my steps.


  • Sheep2slaughter

    I'm still in. I go to most meetings, don't comment, lie on service report, focus on planting seeds of doubt in others, don't judge. I am very happy and make sure the haters know it. I have lots of friends and am well liked. Even tho I only truly like a chosen few. Trapped because of family. But they know I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid anymore.

  • BlindersOff1

    There are hundreds of former and current elders on here. Way over a hundred current and former bethelites. hundreds of former and current pioneers .

    This site has been very active for over 12 yrs. Theres people who have not been in a hall for 30 yrs active on here.Thats how deep and damaging

    the watchtower corp has been to the lives of so many.Many peole on here have really genuine concern for others not conditional on what

    7 self appointed unelected old men in brooklyn have to say.WItness love is fake and fragile.

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