Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away

by mouthy 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    My deepest condolences, brother Rick.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind


    Thank you for letting us know of Rick's loss. TotallyADD and I send our deepest sympathies. How old was Inez? And how long were Rick and Inez married?

    TotallyADD and I enjoyed listening in on a couple of Rick's conference calls.

    Reopened Mind

  • JWB

    I tried to leave a message here yesterday, but for some reason no entry box appeared.

    Dear Rick, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my genuine sympathies.

  • mouthy

    Reopened..I know they were married a long time..I dont know how old she was .He did tell us yesterday,But I was to upset to take note. She was a very sweet soul.He has been trying to get hold of his JW kids to tell them of their Mothers death .but cant reach them. It was suggested to him that he calls Bethel & ask them to inform his kids .Image a few old men sitting in New York who can tell family that they must NOT talk to listen to any one that gave you birth...Because THEY say so!!!! How many old men ar sitting there now???Boy if they dont look like Satan,s angels I dont know who does....Rick got on to inform us all what happened so "others" dont tell it differently....Good for him...

  • Sayswho

    Rich, I am sorry that your wife has passed away and for your sorrow...

    • For most of my adult life I knew what I would say when someone died and it seemed to help somewhat... but would not take away the pain of losing a loved one. Like many here I was raised as a JW and was made to believe that god had a wonderful resolution for our loved ones that died... but Now, not so-much... What I have come to know at least for myself and a few others is, Time helps. With the passing of days, weeks and eventually years, life... that is your ability to continue to live your life, without the extreme pain and hopelessness of loosing someone you love, will get better.
    • Remember there are people here to support you at this time.


  • wolfman85

    sorry for your lost.

  • watson

    Mr. Fearon, so sorry to hear this. Peace and strength.

  • carla

    My deepest sympathies.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Im so sorry for the loss of your wonderful wife Inez, please accept my deepest sympathy Rick

  • cantleave

    My deepest condolences Rick -

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