I'm sure this question has been raised a lot but it is always good to look back. The last 5 or 6 years of me being a JW, I did not have a very good go of it. One thing I actually did enjoy was going to the international convention. I was looking back at pictures of my international convention and realized I actually had a really good time. The actual talks were pretty blah but I did enjoy meeting people from all over the world. It was a new experience for me as I had never been to another country. I got to see some pretty cool stuff in Berlin and Stockholm when we weren't being bored to death during the discourses.
Was There Anything You Actually Enjoyed About Being A JW?
by MrFreeze 42 Replies latest jw experiences
:Was There Anything You Actually Enjoyed About Being A JW?
Yes. Knowing I would be a free ex-JW after I attended my final Meeting.
Difficult to say. I think I really enjoyed how easy it was to get social status. My father gave talks on the DC and was known for being pretty good; combine that with pioneering and Bethel and a couple good marriages (sister to a young pioneer/elder) and you have valuable social capital. I miss the easy social capital.
Yes Farkel, that feeling of freedom soon to be obtained, there is nothing like it. All of us who escaped know exactly how Andy Dufresne felt.
Sulla, that is a good point. With little competition and not much effort, it is a lot easier to obtain a high social status in the JW's.
the yearly conventions cuz this was the only family "vacation" we got.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
I enjoyed talking Bible prophecy over a cocktail, after the Assembly in Long Beach. We had a good time speculating when the "End" would come, enjoyed the company of some very sharp brothers and sisters.
Cheese danish.
being better than the heathens. what poor judgment.
Back in the mid 1960s in our congregation there were about 30 of us all in High School; we surfed, camped, had our own football games, group bike rides, fun.
I think folks confuse socializing in the religion, with the " religion " itself
as for bein' a " JW ", what's enjoyable ?????
Scince I left, my blood pressure has improved