Someone should any proof of perjury to the District Attorney
Conti Case and the WT's Pedophile Registry
by Euphemism 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Indian Larry
Q: "Do you have any knowledge of a compilation of data concerning childhood sexual abuse . . . "
A: No. (I know they have ammassed a large amount of reports, I know they keep reports on everyone whom has ever been reproved or DF'd, but a compilation nooooooooo, perhaps if you had said collection or accumulation or even assortment, maybe . . . but compilation, nooooo I have no knowledge of that)
Band on the Run
This absolutely infuriates me. If they have NO liability of any sort (moral or legal), why do they need a registry? Since they have never warned a congregation, why keep such a database. It works against them b/c it shows that, contrary to their statements, they feel motivated to collect the data. Any decent lawyer would make certain no such database existed.
I've seen evidence that there is a registry here but I did not hold it up to a legal fact. If they have no legal liability, why must the BOE notify the Legal Department? I would not want to hear such reports. You either have NO liability or you do.
I've pondered this recently. If someone sees the benefit to the WT, I would love to see it. They control the KHs to the nth yet the KHs are no part of Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe you must be an active JW to understand their reasoning.
My understanding is that they do nothing with the info. Trees lose their lives for no purpose.
Ah, good catch, I missed that Shuster's statement was time-specific. My memory might have been misled by Watchtower trying to exaggerate the claim in their briefing. Tnx Ann and Marvin.