Evidently you encountered some people who suffer from Dubnesia.
How is it possible to go ...and not know about Sparlock?
by carla 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How is it possible to go ...and not know about Sparlock?
Ask "Any JW" what they Remember..
About "Any Talk"..
At a WBT$ Assembly..
I can`t Remember..
My Brain Shut Off..
MIL: "We had such a good meeting Sun. Hubby: "Really?" "Was there any new light?" MIL: "Well, no." Hubby: "Then what in particular was so good about it?" MIL: Blank stare...
Dubnesia? I love it! Spot on.
I remember one Elder who was assigned to do the "review of the DC" bit on the Service Meeting honestly telling me he could not remember a single thing from the DC, just like me.
What to do ? he asked a sister known for taking copious notes if he could borrow them for a couple of days, which she did (sucker), and he did a good job of fooling his fellow Elders that he had actually listened.
Dubnesia , that is spot on !, it arises from not being able to listen with interest to the droning guys on the platform.
Aussie Oz
Lights are on but nobody is home
Black Sheep
I've got a whole fandamily of them that haven't comprehended any problematic noo lite. Dey just praize de lard for da blessins. Doctrine & stuff is just sumpin Catholics get wrong, ha ha silly Catholics.
If you ever try discussing changes to their rules/doctrines/recent ragazine, they are lost.... blank stare .... denial .....
Then it is our responsibility to make sure that they are NEVER ALLOWED TO FORGET SPARLOCK!!!
I went to the convention in May, I have the DVD, my family has watched it, they wouldn't know the name Sparlock if I hadn't kept making jokes about it and insisted they see how it is already spoofed on Youtube. Just so they don't forget I find opportunities to throw his name in from time to time.
Approximately 1/2 of JWs will just throw the DVD in a drawer and not look at it until a service meeting Q&A part comes up on it next year.
The other half will just blip right over the name "Sparlock". It won't even register unless someone draws their attention to it.