Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 07-01-2012 WT Study (SAFEGUARDS)

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 07-01-2012 WT Study (APRIL 15, 2012, pages 27-31)(SAFEGUARDS)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

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    “You . . . are being

    safeguarded by God’s

    power through faith

    for a salvation ready

    to be revealed in the

    last period of time.”

    —1 PET. 1:4, 5.


    How did Jehovah draw us to

    true worship?

    How can we allow Jehovah to

    lead us with his counsel?

    How does Jehovah provide us

    with encouragement?


    Yes, arrogantly the WTS says that God safeguards “us,” jws, for salvation. How many non-jws realize that that organization has condemned all 7 billion plus men, women, and children to eternal death with no hope of a resurrection, many simply because an individual “witness” could logistically not be given to them, that the WTS says it is not necessary, that children die for the sins of their parents, that the adults die for the sins of their community.

    How many jws sooth themselves that somehow God will read the non-jw hearts and not destroy them; but this has not been the current doctrine of the WTS for many years. Charles Taze Russell taught that the infrastructures of the world, government, business, religion would end but that the earth’s population would survive. Then the organization was only searching for those who had the heavenly calling were to be taken to heaven in 1914 to rule with Christ. With the focus on the non-anointed in 1935, Rutherford led an organization searching only for those worthy to live on earth. Since then the WTS has verbalized at their assemblies and conventions and in their publications taught who is worthy and who is not as they hide behind the words “only Jehovah judges the heart.”

    Here’s the WTS hanging themselves with their own words. (see above)


    1, 2. (a) What assurance do we have that God will help us

    to keep our integrity? (b) How well does Jehovah know each

    of us?

    “HE THAT has endured to the end is the one

    that will be saved.” (Matt. 24:13) With

    those words, Jesus made it clear that for us

    to be preserved alive when God executes judgment

    on Satan’s world, we must maintain our integrity to

    the end. But this does not mean that Jehovah expects

    us to endure in our own wisdom or strength.

    The Bible assures us: “God is faithful, and he will not

    let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but

    along with the temptation he will also make the way

    out in order for you to be able to endure it.” (1 Cor.

    10:13) What do those words imply?


    Will all jws be preserved alive through the judgment or will some die and be resurrected per the WTS? The WTS has said that some jws with serious illness may die during Armaggedon but not by God’s hand and will be resurrected; the WTS does not promise individual survival, only “as a group.”

    Satan’s world = all non-jws; I wonder if all of them know that jws believe they worship the devil, indirectly or directly?

    ***w90 12/1 p. 6 ***

    Satan has enormous influence. The apostle John said that “the whole world” is lying in his power, and Paul called him “the god of this system of things.” (1 John 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4) Hence, worship of any god apart from Jehovah is really worship of Satan.

    End of what? All 7 billion plus non-jws, men, women and CHILDREN, eternally, no resurrection.

    In the wisdom of the WTS and its representatives or the bible?

    ***w94 10/1 p. 8 ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    Imply = so God cannot be clear?

    2 For Jehovah to make sure that we are not tempted

    beyond what we can bear, he has to know everything

    about us, including the challenges we face, our

    individual makeup, and just how much we can take.

    Does God really know us that well? Yes. The Scriptures

    reveal that Jehovah knows each of us intimately.

    He is familiar with our daily routine and habits.

    He can even discern our thoughts and the intentions

    of our heart.—Read Psalm 139:1-6.


    So does knowing mean doing anything? Does he know people as individuals? Why doesn’t he clue the elders in then?

    Do his representatives know us similarly; where is the holy spirit?

    While God and Jesus can discern thoughts and intentions of the heart (motives) can the elders or anointed male jws?

    ***w08 1/15 p. 14 par. 7 ***

    Jehovah has appointed Jesus as Judge; hence, we do not have the right to judge anybody. That is fitting, since—unlike Jesus—we can judge only by the “mere appearance to [our] eyes” or “the thing heard by [our] ears,” whereas Jesus can read the intimate thoughts and reasonings of the heart.—Isa. 11:1-5; 2 Tim. 4:1.

    3, 4. (a) How does David’s experience indicate that Jehovah

    pays attention to individuals? (b) What remarkable work is Jehovah

    accomplishing today?

    3 Does it seem farfetched that God would take

    such an interest in lowly humans? The psalmist

    David pondered this question, saying to Jehovah:

    “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers,

    the moon and the stars that you have prepared,

    what is mortal man that you keep him in mind?”

    (Ps. 8:3, 4) Perhaps this question was prompted by

    David’s own experience. In him, the

    youngest son of Jesse, Jehovah had

    found “a man agreeable to his heart”

    and had taken him “from following the

    flock to become a leader” over Israel.

    (1 Sam. 13:14; 2 Sam. 7:8) Imagine how

    David must have felt upon realizing that

    the Creator of the universe had paid attention

    to his private meditations, the

    musings of a shepherd boy!


    Does God knowing David mean he cares about those not in the line of the Messiah….protection

    *** w10 1/15 p.9 par.10***

    Notice that God promises to protect those who love him and trust in him. ( Read Psalm 91:9, 14. ) What sort of protection did he mean? Well, Jehovah protected some of his ancient servants physically—in some cases to preserve the genealogical line leading to the promised Messiah. However, many other faithful men were imprisoned, tortured, and killed in devilish attempts to turn them away from faithfulness to God. (Heb. 11:34-39) They found the needed courage to endure because Jehovah protected them spiritually from the danger of breaking their integrity. Therefore, the 91st Psalm can be understood as a promise of spiritual protection.

    If David knew that God saw him individually then, why then did he commit adultery and have a man murdered while God watched?

    4 It is no less astonishing to contemplate

    the remarkable personal interest

    that Jehovah is showing in us today. He

    is collecting together in true worship

    “the desirable things of all the nations,”

    and he is helping his servants to maintain

    their integrity. (Hag. 2:7) To understand

    better how Jehovah helps us to

    keep our integrity, let us reflect on how

    he draws people to true worship in the

    first place.


    When WTS representatives do not value us, abuse us, ignore us, how then is God’s caring modeled towards us?

    Hear the shepherd’s voice, in the bible, not man-made publications.

    With Jesus rarely mentioned in the WTS publications compared to “Jehovah” and the organization, how do the sheep hear his voice?

    (John 10:2-4) . . .But he that enters through the door is shepherd of the sheep. 3 The doorkeeper opens to this one, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has got all his own out, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.


    5. How does Jehovah draw people to his Son?


    5 Jesus said: “No man can come to me

    unless the Father, who sent me, draws

    him.” (John 6:44) Those words imply

    that to become a disciple of Christ, we

    must have God’s help. How does Jehovah

    draw sheeplike ones to his Son?

    Through the preaching of the good news

    and the operation of holy spirit. For example,

    when Paul and his missionary

    companions were in Philippi, they met a

    woman named Lydia and began sharing

    the good news with her. The inspired

    record states: “Jehovah opened her heart

    wide to pay attention to the things being

    spoken by Paul.” Yes, God provided

    his spirit to help her get the sense

    of the message, with the result that she

    and her household got baptized.—Acts



    Does “coming” to Christ = coming to the WTS?

    Remember the quote above, the WTS/FDS/GB is the only channel to Christ per the WTS.

    Does the WTS use the person of Jesus in their suggested sermons for their publications?

    The WTS provides 4 each month in the KM…except near Christmas, Jesus is never mentioned (actually “Jehovah” is never mentioned, only “God”)

    What did Paul say; was he placing publications; ?? Is there any proof that anthropology shows Christian going door to door with bible scrolls?

    Baptized as what “Jehovah’s witnesses” or Christians (acts by divine providence)


    Young black woman baptized as jw, same one on page 30 and 31 (note brother has white shirt, no bare chests there, she has a t-shirt over her swimsuit to maintain modesty, I wonder why those white baptism robes of Russell’s day are not required?)

    6. How were all of us drawn by God to true


    6 Was Lydia’s experience unique? By

    no means. If you are a dedicated Christian,

    you too were drawn by God to true

    worship. Just as our heavenly Father saw

    something valuable in the heart of Lydia,

    he saw something good in you. When

    you began listening to the good news,

    Jehovah helped you to grasp it by supplying

    holy spirit. (1 Cor. 2:11, 12) When

    you endeavored to apply what you

    learned, he blessed your efforts to do

    his will. When you dedicated your life

    to him, his heart rejoiced. Indeed, ever

    since you started on the road to life, Jehovah has been with you each

    step of the way.


    Dedicated Christian = only jws, all others are only professed Christians, so-called Christians per the WTS

    When was the last time an elder found something good in you, and not just a pretense preceding correction? The only time I heard commendation was a general one preceding a severe, inappropriate correction.

    *** w03 8/1 p.30***

    Tact is especially important when you have a complaint against someone. You can so easily hurt his dignity. Specific commendation is always appropriate first. Rather than criticize him, concentrate on the problem. Explain how his action affects you and exactly what you would like to see changed. Then be prepared to listen. Perhaps you have misunderstood him.

    Apply what you learn = depending on that congregation’s set of rules.

    Where is Jesus in this joy?

    7. How do we know that God will help us to remain


    7 Having helped us to begin walking

    with him, Jehovah does not now leave

    us to our own devices to remain faithful.

    He knows that just as we did not

    come into the truth on our own, we will

    not stay in the truth on our own. Writing

    to anointed Christians, the apostle Peter

    said: “You . . . are being safeguarded by

    God’s power through faith for a salvation

    ready to be revealed in the last period

    of time.” (1 Pet. 1:4, 5) Those words

    You too have been drawn by Jehovah

    apply in principle to all Christians and

    should be of interest to each of us today.

    Why? Because we all need God’s help to

    remain faithful to him.


    Walking with Jesus?

    The truth – according only to the WTS

    Faithful to whom, Jesus, God or the WTS or are they identical?

    All Christians - only jws

    So what devices did God provide? Human rules, publications, do what we say not what we do (Pharisees) Even if the WTS speaks correctly from the Bible they “do not perform.”

    (Matthew 23:1-3)23 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform.



    8. Why do we need to beware of taking a false


    8 The pressures of life and our own

    imperfections could cause us to lose our

    spiritual focus and put us in danger of

    taking a false step without our even being

    aware of it. (Read Galatians 6:1.)

    This is illustrated by an incident that

    took place in the life of David.


    David—who lost spiritual focus that led to his committing adultery, having the woman’s husband put to death, his baby son died for David’s sin, David’s wives were raped publicly, his older sons suffered (perhaps partly due to David’s inaction when Absalom’s sister Tamar was raped by her half-brother Amnon; taking a census he knew God did not want him to do, 70,000 other people died; but David, the one without focus was allowed to live)

    9, 10. How did Jehovah restrain David from

    taking a false step, and what does He do for us


    9 While being hunted by King Saul,

    David had shown admirable restraint in

    not retaliating against that jealous monarch.

    (1 Sam. 24:2-7) But soon thereafter,

    David’s imperfect impulses got the better

    of him. He was in need of provisions

    for his men and respectfully asked for

    assistance from a fellow Israelite named

    Nabal. When Nabal responded with insults,

    David became enraged and set out

    to avenge himself on the men of Nabal’s

    entire household, failing to discern

    that killing innocent people would

    make him bloodguilty before God. Only

    the timely intervention of Abigail, Nabal’s

    wife, saved David from making a

    calamitous mistake. Recognizing Jehovah’s

    hand in the matter, David said to

    her: “Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel,

    who has sent you this day to meet

    me! And blessed be your sensibleness,

    and blessed be you who have restrained

    me this day from entering into bloodguilt

    and having my own hand come to

    my salvation.”—1 Sam. 25:9-13, 21, 22,

    32, 33.


    David did not retaliate against Saul who at least WAS trying to kill him; but had an innocent man put to death to cover up his serious sin of adultery.

    David also was not only going to kill Nabal, but all his household who were only slaves or a wife, so where was David’s holiness then when he refused to kill Saul?

    I wonder how many bad things happen in the WTS because they refused to listen to a mere woman? Sometimes they did, Deborah and Huldah, both married women but they consulted the wife.

    *** w02 12/15 p.22

    Upon hearing the reading of “the very book of the law” found in the temple, King Josiah ordered Shaphan and four other high-ranking officials to “inquire of Jehovah” about the book. (2 Kings 22:8-20) Where could the delegation find the answer? Jeremiah and possibly Nahum and Zephaniah, all prophets and Bible writers, lived in Judah at the time. The delegation, however, approached Huldah the prophetess.

    10 What lesson can we learn from this

    account? Jehovah used Abigail to restrain

    David from taking a false step. He

    does much the same for us today. Of

    course, we should not expect that God

    will send someone to intervene whenever

    we are about to make a mistake;

    nor can we presume to know precisely

    how God will act in any given situation

    or what he will allow in the outworking

    of his purpose. (Eccl. 11:5) Nonetheless,

    we can be confident that Jehovah is

    always aware of our circumstances and

    will help us to remain faithful to him.

    He assures us: “I shall make you have

    insight and instruct you in the way you

    should go. I will give advice with my

    eye upon you.” (Ps. 32:8) How does Jehovah

    give us advice? How can we benefit

    from it? And why can we be sure that Jehovah

    is leading his people today? Note

    how those questions are answered in the

    book of Revelation.


    So David listed to a woman, Abigail, and later married her, after having threatened her husband and household with death.

    And if God did send a woman to intervene today, would any elders, Cos, DOs, any man at the KH listen?

    “How does God give us advice” only through the WTS per their words above.

    Is God leading the WTS? How many prophecies have they made and erred greatly? How many policies have they changed having put others at risk physically? The same organization that told its members that God dwelt in the Pleiades.


    11. To what extent is Jehovah aware of what is

    taking place in the congregations of his people?

    11 In the vision recorded in Revelation

    chapters 2 and 3, the glorified Jesus

    Christ inspects the seven congregations

    of Asia Minor. The vision reveals that

    Christ sees not just general trends but

    specific situations. In some instances, he

    even mentions individuals, and in each

    case, he gives appropriate commendation

    or counsel. What does this indicate?

    In the fulfillment of the vision, the seven

    congregations represent anointed Christians

    after 1914, and the counsel given to

    the seven congregations applies in principle

    to all the congregations of God’s

    people today earth wide. Thus, it is safe

    to conclude that Jehovah by means of his

    Son is actively leading his people. How

    can we benefit from that guidance?


    Jesus sees “specific situations” but does he share this with the anointed, how, as individuals through the holy spirit, at the weekly GB meeting as a dove from heaven?

    No Proof---represents seven congregations—anointed Christians (only jws though)

    Applies in principle to all jw congregations (only they are God’s people today per the WTS)—PROOF?

    Thus it is safe to conclude – WHAT – PROOF?

    The same people that said the superior authorities were secular governments from 1879 to 1929; Jesus and God from 1929 to 1962; and back to secular governments in 1962. Do you want to bet your life on their pronouncements. The Jews of Jesus day bet their life, only a few rebelled against the Talmud of the religious leaders.

    12. How can we allow Jehovah to guide our


    12 One way we can benefit from Jehovah’s

    loving direction is through personal

    study. By means of the publications

    of the faithful and discreet slave class,

    Jehovah provides a wealth of Scriptural

    counsel. (Matt. 24:45) To benefit from it,

    however, we must take the time to

    study it and apply what we learn. Personal

    study is one means by which Jehovah

    can “guard [us] from stumbling.”

    (Jude 24) Have you ever studied something

    in our literature that seems to have

    been written just for you? Accept the

    correction as coming from Jehovah. Just

    as a friend might tap you on the shoulder

    to bring something to your attention,

    Jehovah can use his spirit to draw your

    attention to an aspect of your conduct

    or personality that you—and no doubt

    many others like you—need to improve.

    By being sensitive to the leadings of the

    spirit, we allow Jehovah to guide our

    steps. (Read Psalm 139:23, 24.) In this

    regard, we do well to examine our study



    Personal study = note that the WTS (FDS) publications are prominently mentioned, that scriptural counsel comes from there not the Bible directly. I remember an WT conductor that asked where we get our information from as he started to hold up the WT. I thought the PO would mess his pants as he jumped up and grabbed the mike and said, “the Bible.” Conductor: Oh yah, that’s right.

    How can God guard us from stumbling when the WTS has so many doctrines that have changed and changed back: resurrection of Sodom and Gomorrah, scream when raped or not scream, organ transplants ok or not ok, blood fractions okay or not okay, no storing blood except for hemoglobin based products made out of stored blood, etc.

    It is the WTS that points out our current flaws, guides us to the changes; can’t divorce mate because homosexuality or bestiality, oops, we goofed now you can but if you divorced before we said you could and remarried and were df’d, you are still df’d for not waiting on God = waiting on the WTS.



    Young black sister reading WTS pubs and decides to throw away some of her clothes; the same one on page 31 (Yes, the sisters are wearing skirts touching their knees, with slits to their knees, hems have to be ankle length; I’m surprised she is allowed to have a perm and wear jewelry

    13. Why would it be wise for us to examine our

    study habits?

    13 Excessive time spent on entertainment

    can rob us of time needed for personal

    study. One brother observes: “It is

    so easy to let personal study slip. Entertainment

    is more available now than

    ever before, and it is less expensive than

    ever before. It is available on TV, on the

    computer, and on the phone. We are

    surrounded by it.” Unless we are careful,

    time needed for in-depth personal

    study can gradually diminish until it all

    but disappears. (Eph. 5:15-17) Each of us

    does well to ask: ‘How often do I take

    time to dig deeper in my study of God’s

    Word? Is it only when I have a talk or a

    meeting part to prepare?’ If so, perhaps

    we could make better use of the evening

    set aside for family worship or personal

    study to treasure up the spiritual wisdom

    that Jehovah provides to safeguard

    us for salvation.—Prov. 2:1-5.


    Define “excessive.” Who decides; will an elder be telling us as we know he watches sports 10 hours daily on the weekend, rearranges his schedule during the playoffs, runs out to his vehicle during the assemblies/conventions to catch up on the game during the announcements. The elder who doesn’t know the names of the 12 apostles, the 9 fruits of the spirit or that there are 66 books in the bible, but knows the names of the football, baseball, hockey, basketball teams, the coaches, players, and stats. The elder who can’t remember your first (Sister so-and-so) or your children’s names after 20 years at the same congregation.

    Elders that haven’t read the material they are assigned to conduct at the book study, forgot they have a part on the service meeting, phone in their public talk, etc.


    14. How do the Scriptures show that Jehovah

    pays attention to our feelings?

    14 David faced many distressing circumstances

    in his life. (1 Sam. 30:3-6)

    His inspired words reveal that Jehovah

    knew his feelings. (Read Psalm 34:

    18; 56:8.) God knows our feelings as

    well. When we are “broken at heart”

    or “crushed in spirit,” he draws near

    to us. This in itself may give us a measure

    of comfort, as it did David, who

    sang: “I will be joyful and rejoice in your

    loving-kindness, in that you have seen

    my affliction; you have known about the

    distresses of my soul.” (Ps. 31:7) But Jehovah

    does more than just notice our

    distress. He sustains us by providing

    comfort and encouragement. One way

    he does this is by means of Christian



    Yes, it must have been distressing for David to be trapped by that vixen Bathsheba; after all David’s life depended on his being on that roof at her bath time. She tricked him into making a baby and forcing him to have her husband killed or he would be killed as an adulterer. Yes, it must have been distressing for him to know his wives were raped by David’s son, that 70,000 people died because of David’s sin. It must have been distressing to live to an old age and still have a young woman sleep in his bed.

    How comforting it must have been for David to keep living when others died, especially other adulterers in Israel who had no forgiveness clause extended to them under the Law code.

    If Jesus is the Greater David, does that mean he will commit adultery although have 144,000 wives, and will Jesus cover up his adultery by having the husband killed?

    *** w09 5/15 p.28***

    As we reflect on Ittai’s example, we can ask ourselves: ‘Do I display a similar loyal attachment to the Greater David, Christ Jesus?

    15. What lesson can we learn from Asaph’s experience?

    15 One benefit of attending meetings

    is illustrated by the experience of the

    We are safeguarded by applying God’s counsel

    psalmist Asaph. Dwelling on injustices

    caused Asaph to question the value of

    serving God. Asaph grew discouraged.

    He described his feelings this way: “My

    heart was soured and in my kidneys

    I was sharply pained.” As a result, he

    almost stopped serving Jehovah. What

    helped Asaph to regain his balance? “I

    proceeded to come into the grand sanctuary

    of God,” he said. There, among fellow

    worshippers of Jehovah, he regained

    the proper perspective. He saw

    that the success of the wicked was only

    temporary, that Jehovah would without

    fail set matters right. (Ps. 73:2, 13-22) It

    is similar with us. The stress of dealing

    with the injustices of Satan’s world can

    wear us down. Meeting together with

    our brothers refreshes us and helps us

    retain our joy in serving Jehovah.


    So were in the bible does it say 1 st century Christians attended 5 different meetings a week? Or 3 conventions/assemblies a year (remember I said Christians)?

    OT = Asaph No NT example. What meetings did the Jews go to weekly? Did Asaph live in the age of synagogues or did that come into being after the return from Babylon?

    I found dealing with the injustices in the WT organization more difficult to deal with. After all they claim to be the only ones accurately being led by God. Can you imagine how refreshing it must be to be told 3 times weekly that you don’t measure up, have jws not talk to you before or after the meeting from some slight they can’t talk to you about but can tell the whole congregation.

    16. How can we benefit from the example of


    16 What, though, if a situation in the

    congregation makes it difficult for you to

    attend meetings? Perhaps you have had

    to relinquish a privilege of service and

    are embarrassed, or you have had a difference

    of opinion with a brother or sister. If so,

    you may find the example of

    Hannah helpful. (Read 1 Samuel 1:4-8.)

    Recall that she was sorely vexed over a

    family situation involving her rival wife,

    Peninnah. The situation became especially

    acute each year when the family

    went to offer sacrifices to Jehovah at Shiloh.

    It was so distressing to Hannah that

    “she would weep and not eat.” Yet, she

    did not allow this to keep her away from

    occasions for worshipping Jehovah. Jehovah

    took notice of her faithfulness

    and blessed her.—1 Sam. 1:11, 20.


    So relinquish a privilege…most congregations are made up of women, what privilege would that be? Difference of opinion to have elders wives spread lies about you and when confronted by through the principles of Matthew 18 or going to elders being told that you should just overlook it as people in the congregation avoid you, still believe the lies…….

    Remember the Peninnah constantly threw it up in Hannah’s face that she had no child, no one to inherit, that she had no value even as a woman in the Jewish woman.

    How many jws know that only men were required to go to the festivals?

    17, 18. (a) In what ways do we receive encouragement

    at congregation meetings? (b) How do

    you feel about the tender care Jehovah provides

    to help us attain salvation?

    17 Christians today have good reason

    for imitating Hannah’s example. We

    need to be faithful in attending meetings.

    As we all have experienced, meetings

    provide vital encouragement. (Heb.

    10:24, 25) The warmth of Christian fellowship

    comforts us. A simple expression

    made in a talk or comment may

    touch our heart. In conversation before

    or after a meeting, a fellow believer may

    give us a listening ear or share consoling

    words. (Prov. 15:23; 17:17) As we raise

    our voices in song to Jehovah, our spirits

    are uplifted. Especially when we are

    beset by “disquieting thoughts” do we

    need the encouragement that we receive

    at meetings, where Jehovah sustains us

    with his “own consolations” and supports

    us in our determination to remain

    faithful.—Ps. 94:18, 19.


    Christians today = only jws

    So was Hannah going to 5 weekly meetings 3 days a week? Were Christians required to do the same?

    I used to test the elders and say hi and see who would say hi back. They would say “how are things” going and never break their walk away. Always too busy. Once we needed to discuss something serious and it took 6 weeks to set up an appointment. I guess only sex sells as a topic.

    18 Secure in our God’s tender care, we

    feel as did the psalmist Asaph, who sang

    to Jehovah: “You have taken hold of my

    right hand. With your counsel you will

    lead me.” (Ps. 73:23, 24) How grateful

    we are that Jehovah safeguards us for



    Why always an OT example? Was no one in the NT “secure in God’s tender care”?


    Old white elder talking to young black sister seated at the KH before or after meeting with people in the background; what “encouraging scripture might he be using…what did the elders use in your life?

    We are sustained by the encouragement we receive



    What about marrying an unbeliever?

    Deut. 7:3,4

    But Deut 21:10-14

    Esther married an unbeliever, in fact was considered the savior of the nation of Israel because she did.

    And those jws who are married to non-jws either pre-baptism or post-baptism as a jw are “kissing a corpse” per the WTS; yes, non-jws already pronounced dead even before Armageddon.

    Love, Blondie

  • BU2B

    Thanks so much for your comments, I have been lurking here for a few months and always look forward to your post every week.

  • wasblind

    Dinner bell is ringin' folks, Blondie has prepared another meal to bite into BU2B, pass the gravy

  • jgnat

    How many jws sooth[e] themselves that somehow God will read the non-jw hearts and not destroy them; but this has not been the current doctrine of the WTS for many years. .... Since then the WTS has verbalized at their assemblies and conventions and in their publications taught who is worthy and who is not as they hide behind the words “only Jehovah judges the heart.”

    I tease my hubby by drawing verbal pictures of our time together in Paradise. He hasn't the heart to tell me I'm not going.

  • EmptyInside

    Awesome commentary blondie,it's amazing the facts they leave out.

    And yes,they have no proof to back up the claim the seven congregations John wrote about in Revelation represent the annointed after 1914. They just make statements like that, and we're supposed to accept it as fact.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I never thought about it, but you are right! David was supposedly restrained from taking the 'false step' of killing Nabal, yet he felt free to kill Uriah. Where was the counsel when that was taking place?

    Young black woman baptized as jw, same one on page 30 and 31 (note brother has white shirt, no bare chests there, she has a t-shirt over her swimsuit to maintain modesty, I wonder why those white baptism robes of Russell’s day are not required?)

    Gone are those good old days when we were teenagers and our 'hobby' was to spot teenage cheeks getting baptized. Their semitranparent swimsuits were quite revealing: 'C****t** spotting'! Indeed water CAN do miracles, Amen!

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Thanks Blondie!

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie!

    Q17,18 b

    So they get their info from their watchtower god jehovahs.

    Their god is sure wishy-washy.Giving new light.changing light.

    as Blondie has pointed out so many times.

    He sure can't make up his mind.Iam glad I don't follow that god.

  • wannabefree

    I was just wondering ... does God "know" a person or is he "taking in knowledge" of them?

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