It made me smile to think of JWs feeling the need to explain to former congregation members of 25 years standing that conventions are open to the general public, as though you had never known that before. Surely as former friends they would realise that you must obviously have spent years going door to door telling the general public about the conventions, exactly as they were doing yesterday.
It never ceases to amaze me how often JWs treat us former dubs as if we are either suffering from amnesia or completely lost our marbles. After all, in their brainwashed minds what other reason could we possibly have for leaving "The Truth?" It must be really confusing to them when they see us all so happy and contented in our new WT free lives when they are all trained to believe we are all living miserable empty existences.
Even though I was a regular pioneer for years and the daughter of an elder, I still have to endure kind hearted JWs feeling the need to explain even the most basic teachings to me as if I had either forgotten or maybe spent my JW years in a total daze. I just smile sweetly and remind them that I actually already know all that they are carefully trying to explain to me, but I am not interested thank you, and perfectly happy to be free of it all. Very bewildering for the poor souls.