Hi Tris .......... so a few more words plse..
What brings you here? Are you still active?
Anyway a big welcome to this place of refuge
by Trismegistus 15 Replies latest jw friends
I suppose some extra words are in order.
I was raised JW, and never believed. Through a combination of peer-pressure & a belief that there was something wrong with me, I got baptised when I was 18. I immersed myself in the JW experience for a few years- scheduled and impromptu talks, Regular pioneering, attendant, etc. The typical ubiquitous, high reaching brother.
After a few years of this, I pulled an abrupt stop. Stopped going to meetings, moved in with an ex-JW friend, met a girl. Through my sheer naive inexperience, she got pregnant & I decided to get DF'd. Went to the commitee unapolegetically, and that was that.
That was 11 years ago. Other things happened in this time.
Now I'm in a position where I'm back with my JW parents, who are loving and accepting of my (non)religious choice. They were not always loving or accepting.
As I shall write more on this quandry when I am able to create another topic, I'll skip that.
tl;dr: Unapologetic atheist with surprisingly good JW parents. Having a bit of a time being around the JW community again, and a bit paranoid to be more specific in the public areas of this forum.
Hi Trismegistus! Welcome!
Don't worry about being paranoid. I know areas of me are still paranoid about local JW's. I've carefully read what you've written and look forward to reading more of your story.
I am very intrigued by your choice of name, presumably from Hermes Trismegistus? I really like the thought of having a god of writing and magic on this board, where we are almost all cynically amused by a society (the WT) that scores a mighty own goal by producing a DVD that condemns magic and bins a plastic toy wizard named Sparlock!
Interesting icon too. I'll look forward to hearing more from you, and again, welcome!