My not-so-grand arrival.

by Trismegistus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Hi Tris .......... so a few more words plse..

    What brings you here? Are you still active?

    Anyway a big welcome to this place of refuge


  • Trismegistus

    I suppose some extra words are in order.

    I was raised JW, and never believed. Through a combination of peer-pressure & a belief that there was something wrong with me, I got baptised when I was 18. I immersed myself in the JW experience for a few years- scheduled and impromptu talks, Regular pioneering, attendant, etc. The typical ubiquitous, high reaching brother.

    After a few years of this, I pulled an abrupt stop. Stopped going to meetings, moved in with an ex-JW friend, met a girl. Through my sheer naive inexperience, she got pregnant & I decided to get DF'd. Went to the commitee unapolegetically, and that was that.

    That was 11 years ago. Other things happened in this time.

    Now I'm in a position where I'm back with my JW parents, who are loving and accepting of my (non)religious choice. They were not always loving or accepting.

    As I shall write more on this quandry when I am able to create another topic, I'll skip that.

    tl;dr: Unapologetic atheist with surprisingly good JW parents. Having a bit of a time being around the JW community again, and a bit paranoid to be more specific in the public areas of this forum.

  • Chariklo

    Hi Trismegistus! Welcome!

    Don't worry about being paranoid. I know areas of me are still paranoid about local JW's. I've carefully read what you've written and look forward to reading more of your story.

    I am very intrigued by your choice of name, presumably from Hermes Trismegistus? I really like the thought of having a god of writing and magic on this board, where we are almost all cynically amused by a society (the WT) that scores a mighty own goal by producing a DVD that condemns magic and bins a plastic toy wizard named Sparlock!

    Interesting icon too. I'll look forward to hearing more from you, and again, welcome!

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome...can't wait to hear more of your story when you can tell it!

  • Soldier77

    Welcome to the board Trismegistus! So I take it you have read up on The Emerald Tablet, The Kybalion, The Hermetica and Corpus Hermeticum?

    Would love to hear more about you and what you're experiences are as well as your thoughts on Hermetics.

  • mercedes_29



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