What has been your experience with this? Observations?
Does it ever work?
by BlindersOff1 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What has been your experience with this? Observations?
Does it ever work?
From the mouth of Harriet Tubman
" Wait if you want, but this train to freedom is on the move right now "
Waitin' didn't work for Harriet
Its a phrase that has become "loaded language" in the JW world
Wait on Jehovah=Quit complaining about that sorry job that you have for a career (because you followed the society's advice and didn't go to school)
Wait on Jehovah=Shut up about that corrupt elder, Jehovah will get rid of him (probably when he dies)
Wait on Jehovah=Let that gossip about you continue, if you shutup it will go away on its own (after your reputation is ruined of course)
In the end, the phrase "wait on Jehovah" is used to keep cult members quiet and docile. You can't run an effective cult with a lot of people running around asking hard questions about leadership.
Waiting on Jehovah works--for Jehovah. He gets to sit on his hands, adding even worse problems, while you continue wasting your time waiting on him. Usually, you will create additional problems for yourself on top of the ones Jehovah creates by pious-sneering.
That phrase is one of the core tenets that have drove me away. Because of this saying, the abuse, lies, deceit, hypocrisy, corruption have all heard the term, "wait on jehovah".
This god jehovah is one sick god if anything the WTBTS says is true, which they aren't, but it also makes me not believe a word those people have to say. They are the sick and corrupt, corrupting peoples view of a god that doesn't exist. Or does, and they're just worshipping some sick god...
Maybe that's the case actually...
May God forgive this thought of mine
but if I hada been alive durin' the time of slavery
and Lincoln decided to " wait on the Jehovah "
I would've told John wilkes Boothe to move over
" I got this "
Wait my foot
If they think their God has the power to sort things out for you, but he frigs about and does it in His own damn good time, but eventually He does sort it out, then He is a sick God.
He is also without morals, as He does not sort out the Paedophiles and molesters and abusers.
I was told to Wait Here for Jehovah..
How long have you been Waiting?
......................... ...OUTLAW
"Waiting on Jehovah" = Epic Fail
I hear ya Phizzy,
the devil always try to put God in a bad light
but God put Ceasars law in place to allow us
to seek relief until the kingdom comes
The devil through in by the WTS forbids us to seek it
by tellin' folks not to vote to change unfair laws, and by not reporting child abuse
don't do nothin, just sit and wait
There are some things that we do have to leave in God's hands and wait for but
child abuse ain't one of 'em