56 years of tornado tracks (by F-scale)...interesting
by Terry 20 Replies latest jw friends
That's really interesting, thanks for sharing!
Is there a link to accompany the image which gives some more details? It would be neat to see the image a bit smaller too.
Living here in Dallas, we have had our share of twisters, including the outbreak about 3 months ago, but doesn't come close to the one that I saw north of Minneapolis in I think June of 1987. I have always been fascinated by tornadoes, but I also know to fear and respect nature.
heres a link , I think to the same photo
If Jehovah's Witness messaging was reliable you would see a steady increase over time leading up to the big Armageddon scenario.
If you view this chart (and similar Earthquake charts) a different story unfolds altogether!
But, that would spoil their mythology, woudln't it? :)
Due to recent weather conditions I'm bumping this thread
LoisLane looking for Superman
Thanks Terry, Fascinating.
Just Lois
Urban sprawl. 40 years ago when a twister hit a corn field you lost the crop and the barn now you lose the track of homes and the people.
Here's the pic made smaller:
Nevada looks pretty safe
I'm searching for my link to a similar site for EARTHQUAKES on a daily basis over the years.
Once you clearly see these natural phenomena charted and dated a more reasonable view becomes possible. JW's have
an outrageously twisted view of...well...twisters and earthquakes divorced from all factual data.