I must admit that after carefully examining the NT it seems that Christians will have heavenly life. But my question is, who will remain on Earth?
Who will remain on Earth????
by wolfman85 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You have to pick a religion first, then you'll know.
Pretty much everyone in one form or another. Dust to dust as they say.
Doesn't Revelation 21 indicate that in the end the distinction between heaven and earth will be abolished?
I don't mean heaven as in outer space; I mean heaven as in the dwelling place of God and the redeemed of humanity.
If you follow the JW religion there is only 144,000 who go to heaven to be with god, the rest who are deemed worthy live on earth
for a thousand years in paradise.
Personally for me I'd chose the earthly paradise, there not much to know about heaven and what its like there.
Ditto Ding....
(post 1000 year reign and satan's loosening for a 'little while')
Now as how that exactly works out varies by belief system.....
I think the Bible is more literal than JWs think, I think that all the people who survice the coming Tribulations will continue to live as Nations today, but they wont have Satans bad influence.
So far there has never been a test to see if mankind can run himself happily independant of God AND Independant of the Devil.
It is these Nations that at the end of the 1000 years try to storm Jerusalem, its not a final test of Christians like the JWs say, nowhere does it say that.
Christians on Earth will live in Jerusalem, maybe with Ezeikiels third temple with its river of water of life, outside will be the failed Christians, unable to get in so they will still be with the nations, they will literally be weeping and gnashing their teeth, not figuaratively.
Iam unsure about Isaiah 65, maybe this will apply to people of the nations?, life will certainly be better without the Devil and his bankers enslaving us, if the Christians in Jerusalem have access to the waters of life, why would they die after 100 years?, unless the third temple comes after the 1000 years, but I dont think the disciption matches with the New Jersualem temple?
St George of England
the revealer just nailed it.
There is no after life, in heaven or on earth.
Just silly ideas to keep control of the flock of whatever religion/cult you join. Why else would people join?
To think I believed this twaddle for over 60 years, hangs head in shame and embarrassment.
I want to be a fossil !!!!
they will literally be weeping and gnashing their teeth, not figuaratively.
How do you literally gnash your teeth? I have always wondered.