The 144,000, presided over by JWs GB members and presidents beginning with
Rutherford, in Heaven bask in recognition from those on Earth that they were
right. They oversee the behavior of those on Earth who are habitually abidant so
it's a cakewalk. They provide angels with the latest copies of Awake! and Watch-
tower, now in high quality print and featuring celebrity articles like Knorr
schmoozing with Michael backstage, to deliver to those on Earth.
Everyone looks up at J who praises them for not having any women of equality,
homosexuals, evolutionists, college graduates, people who made medical use of
blood/major blood products, most popular art or entertainment figures, or family
members who persisted in disagreeing with them.
They're instructed to dress moderately when taking spaceships to provide light
to establish GBs on the exoplanets. The Earthbound look at each other: "When
does it get better?" A voice calls "Over here" from a light above the speaker,
who tells them to pay no attention--the Devil disguises himself as an angel of
light. The Earthbound say "I thought he was dead." The speaker says he has new
light about the schedule for that, but for now they have to get to a few planets
where the new people need to be encouraged to eat from the tree of spiritual food
so they'll be just like them.