Serv. Mtng DEMO from last week: How would a "real" householder respond?

by Open mind 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    My wife and I call in to the CBS/TMS/SM once or twice a month and only listen to the announcements. Last week the announcements included a demo of a JW woman trying to peddle mags to a female householder. Her intro went like this:

    "Hi, my name is Mary, and yours is?"

    Even though we were only on the phone, I could feel her big old cheesy "Kingdom Smile" crackling through the transmission wires.

    Of course, in the perfect world of KH demos, the householder without a moment's hesitation or irritation said "Barbara" and the unrealistic demo continued on with the usual pablum.

    As we were listening though, our reaction was quite different.

    How about you? If a stranger knocks on your door, uninvited and wants to know your name, how would you respond?


  • ammo

    If he looked like Brad Pitt in Troy......... I'd say WELCOME!

  • Goshawk

    It depends on their sex and if they wanted any!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    LOL @ ammo & goshawk!

    Good point. However, this demo was between two females and I'm assuming there wasn't any lesbian chemistry involved.

    So, revising the OP just a smidge, if a JW who's about your age and is not sexually attractive to you, were to knock on your door and ask you your name, how would you take it?


    If a stranger knocks on your door, uninvited and wants to know your name, how would you respond?

    I`d cut through the BS right there..

    My Response..

    "What do you Want?"..

    ........................ mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco...OUTLAW

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I would greet them, give my name and ask what they're visit was concerning. No biggie.

  • MrFreeze

    If they asked my name I would tell them but then I'd make them get to the point and then tell them I wasn't interested. That's what I would have done... had I not been a JW. Now I'm kinda looking forward to the day when a JW knocks on my door. Funny, I've lived in my new neighborhood for three months now and have not seen one single JW walking around. We got some pretty busy foot-traffic on the streets by my house.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I was there, Open Mind, and, as dear as these friends are to me, I wondered why there has been no improvement in the presentations over the years.

    "Hi, we're in the neighborhood talking to people about ..."

    CoCo Seeks Improvement

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'd respond that my name is Sparlock.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    OUTLAW: "What do you want?" LOL!!!

    Maybe I was just in a particularly cranky mood when I heard the demo, but my knee-jerk, UNSPOKEN response to "....and yours is?" was this:

    "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" Followed by OUTLAW's response.

    cult classic: "I would greet them, give my name and ask what they're visit was concerning."

    Any chance you're from the Southern U.S.? Just a guess. The graciousness of Southerners never ceases to amaze me.

    BTW, that's probably how I would ACTUALLY respond if a JW who didn't know me actually did knock on my door. I'm polite to a fault IRL. My wife and I like to make snarky comments with the Mute button on while listening to the KH announcements.

    MrFreeze: "Funny, I've lived in my new neighborhood for three months now and have not seen one single JW"

    Maybe that's because someone like me has your territory checked out.

    coco: "Coco seeks improvement".

    You don't still knock on doors do you?

    Billy: "...Sparlock"

    Good one.



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