Recently, the vile, reptilian character of the Governing Body slipped through their slick propaganda again.
I refer to a recent "new outline/public talk" in which a teenager
with leukemia is mentioned - and a recent Watchtower article
about special meetings with pictures of GB members - that also
mentions a young person confronted with the blood transfusion issue.
I really shouldn't be surprized at the twisted, Satanic character
of these religious leaders who encourage young people to throw
their lives away for nothing - whether it's Muslim children
taught to clear mine fields by running across them or deluded
Witnesses who think that blood, as a symbol of life, is more
important than life itself.
Even after all I've seen and experienced, I still feel
sick knowing I have to breathe the same air as these
sorry excuses for human beings.
The Governing Body has been fully informed about the
blood issue - they are without defense and cannot give
answers when challenged because their blood transfusion doctrine
is a fraud, a lie based on the shabby 'research' of now dead
Fred Franz. "Because we say so" is no reason for people to die.
Yet, they continue to trumpet the deaths of young people
to maintain the ignorant fixations of unthinking crowds
of Witnesses.
and for what?
so they can hold on to power a few more years,
until their 60 - 70 or 80 year old bodies give out,
and death overtakes them - before this blood fraud gets known?
Can it be that these men still believe in God? or basic
morality? or anything? Have they elevated themselves, in their
own minds, above mere autographs and self glorifying pictures
in the Watchtower, to God-like status, excusing the sacrifice
of innocents, to maintain their positions?
I once read about ancient rich Romans , who lacking hand towels,
had young boys standing by, to wipe their greasy hands on their
hair. Do you really think this sort of behavior by Watchtower
leadership is much different? Can you get a sense of why child
molestation means so little to the Society? or why the exodus
of tens of thousands of young people out of the organization
barely gets a reaction? Why trouble themselves with common
I guess there really isn't a hell
maybe, for some, there ought to be