Attention ALL Abuse Victims & Their Families: Important Message!
by headisspinning 43 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
rather be in hades
band on the run:
I find it very sad that people here just want to run out and hire a lawyer referred on the Internet. Such a move shows lack of sophistication. It would seem reasonable that people would want many choices. Why not hire a lawyer the way other lawyers do? Unless you are a lawyer or paralegal with much exposure to the claims being addressed, you can not tell the quality of legal services provided. Martindale-Hubble and other organizations provide ratings for lawyers supplied by other practicioners in the area. Lawyers with exposure to the lawyer's work know the quality of legal skils, knowledge of the law, trustiworthiness, and reputation for style of handling cases. Interactions with other lawyers and judges area are assessed.
Local lawers are usually a good choice. They know what a local jury and judge will likely find. Relationships with judges already exist. They have a feel for which judges will grant which motions. From observation, they know whether each judge is good at managing trials. They also know which arbitrators or mediators are fair. Figuring out the law is the easy part. After a few weeks of law school, almost everyone can find the law. A whole host of tangible and intangible factors are important.
Before the Internet, such advice seemed closely held. Legal newspapers also have their ranking systems. Learning the paper credentials a lawyer has is important, too. Some one who attended a fly by night law school is unlikely to provide the best service. Presenting yourself well is an important skill but it does not begin to address the quality of the work.
Lawyers who troll for clients are not attractive. No one is perfect for every case. Legions of lawyers are available to handle such matters.
One can make an informed decision or an impulsive one. Repeat players in the legal system and lawyers themselves don't tag the first lawyer they meet. Cocktail party chatter is also not a good indicator of quality. This is precisely the info I would want to know if I did not attend law school."
i think there's a lot of wisdom in these words from badn on the run. it's FANTASTIC this lawyer was able to beat the watchtower society and expose their evil practices. it's a major victory in a long and ugly war. that said, he might not be the best lawyer for you and at the very least, it's prudent to shop around a little bit.
maybe it would be helpful, if band on the run was to provide some basic questions to help weed out good and bad lawyers? don't mean to put ya on the spot, i'm rather curious myself as to how lawyers determine which guy to hire.
Love and Norris can help
with your legal caseRick Simons (won $28 million case) : text and cell 510-917-2169 office 510- 582-1080x19 email rick
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W hy this is the good news is that the plaintiff law firms are 'using' the Conti case as a precedent to groom more suits.There may be a whole rash of lawyer advertisements coming up like you see (in magazines and on TV) over asbestos and the bad drugs,.....
I am so happy!
Thank you Conti's.
High rank will make Watchtower legal squirm. LINK
Plaintiff Awarded $28 Million in Jehovah's Witness Child Molestation ...
PR Web (press release) -
... California jury awarded