Omt!!!!!!! More gems!!!!!! Sab just used the ndrew defense for shelby!!!!! Rotflmao all over again!!!! Its not poor dear misunderstood shelby!!! It you assholes who didnt GET her!!! She's too complex for your feble minds!!!! Dragons and faries are too deep for you!!! Oh Thor i cant breath.... Too damn funny.....
To the Household of God, Israel, and Those Who God With...
by AGuest 137 Replies latest jw friends
Sanity Central 1 Nutters Disunited 0
Don't know why but that has tickled me all day so thanks for that.
Patently untrue. She attacked EE without provocation, for one.
What I said was very true, actually. I have never seen Shelby attack unprovoked, EE included. If EE wants to call himself a victim of Shelby I will lose some real respect I have for him. I don't expect a mean spirited person like you, EP, to accurately conclude on what constitutes provocation. You are not qualified in the slightest.
Oh, now, Sab, we are under a truce. I don't want to have to bring up your lies, libel, attacks, etc. I am going to be the bigger and better man and let that one slide.
We are in a truce, but that doesn't mean I am barred from pointing out glaring hypocrisy on your part. Dragging up past discussions is against the truce more so than pointing out something in the here and now.
Actually, rather than jealousy, it's scary as hell that people live their life based on voices in their head rather than having an ounce of curiosity and looking at things. I DO think it's mind rot, not to have faith or beleive in God, but to use that as an excuse to short circuit thought, curiosity, thinking and finding things out.
Your fear of believers is irrational and your assessment of Shebly's faith is an exercise in paranoia. I think it would be more understandable to be uneasy about decisions based on a fear of believers (or even just belief) than of people who believe they speak to Christ.
Just so we are clear, I, speaking only for myself, am not in any way jealous of yours, Shelby's or anyone else's faith. I don't want. I reject it. It is anathema to the way I do and want to live. Why would I be jealous of it? Why would I want unity if that unity is based on what I consider to be a lie and a fantasy?
It's her strength that has always drawn you to her. It's her unyielding passionate faith that gives her that stength. No, you are not jealous of what you consider to be a fantasy, it goes well beyond that.
Omt!!!!!!! More gems!!!!!! Sab just used the ndrew defense for shelby!!!!! Rotflmao all over again!!!! Its not poor dear misunderstood shelby!!! It you assholes who didnt GET her!!! She's too complex for your feble minds!!!! Dragons and faries are too deep for you!!! Oh Thor i cant breath.... Too damn funny.....
I am very glad you are having fun, EE. You deserve all the joy you can get.
The spirit was bored and wanted to see how many pages a thread like this one would get to. Let's make the spirit happy and go past ten pages, then he will let AGuest back.
You don't get to define who should be pitied and who should not. I think you and the rationalists on this forum have acted in a deplorable manner towards Shelby.
You haven't been paying attention because I have never said anything to Shelby in the way you describe. And I'll pity whomever I damn well please. For example, I pity you right now. Why? Because you're not being reasonable in any way shape or form and I know that you can be. It's sad to me to see someone I like turn into someone so far off the rails like this. So yeah, not jealous at all. And I agree that it didn't have to be this way, Sab. You've strayed so far from reality that all anyone can do is try to reason with you, and when that fails miserably all we have left is pity.
What I said was very true, actually. I have never seen Shelby attack unprovoked
Using that logic, I've never seen your balls so they must not exist.
Your anecdotal evidence doesn't = reality.
We are in a truce, but that doesn't mean I am barred from pointing out glaring hypocrisy on your part. Dragging up past discussions is against the truce more so than pointing out something in the here and now.
Again, allow me to interject some logic here. You can't claim me to be a hypocrit without USING past experience and discussions to base it on, so by calling me a hypocrit, YOU, in fact, were dragging up the past. In contrast, I was saying that I wouldn't drag up the past.
I still stand by what I said, I will be the better man and let this drop.
Your fear of believers is irrational and your assessment of Shebly's faith is an exercise in paranoia.
It's not fear of believers at all. It's a scary idea that some people who made decisions that have real ramifications on other's lives base those decisions on usually wrong, mean spirited and utterly bollocks insane voices in their head. The people themselves aren't scary.
It's her strength that has always drawn you to her. It's her unyielding passionate faith that gives her that stength. No, you are not jealous of what you consider to be a fantasy, it goes well beyond that.
I am not drawn to her. Much like her accusations against me, repeating them over and over doesn't make it any more true or sane. Your armchair analysis needs some work, perhaps actual schooling and education.
Would be be fair to suggest that, because I am a raging social liberal and thing gay people should be able to get married and will rail relentlessly against homophobes and racists, that I am somehow drawn by the strength of homophobes and racists? Your analysis would seem to indicated that, because I think something is wrong and strongly think that, I must somehow be drawn to it.
Wait, often rail against me....does that mean you are drawn to me? Am I really your living god? Is my awesomeness what draws you to me?
I think I might be getting a little bit of a boner here....
You haven't been paying attention because I have never said anything to Shelby in the way you describe. And I'll pity whomever I damn well please. For example, I pity you right now. Why? Because you're not being reasonable in any way shape or form and I know that you can be. It's sad to me to see someone I like turn into someone so far off the rails like this. So yeah, not jealous at all. And I agree that it didn't have to be this way, Sab. You've strayed so far from reality that all anyone can do is try to reason with you, and when that fails miserably all we have left is pity.
Yes you did say something in the way that I described. You said Shelby is deserving of pity. It's perfectly fine to pity someone, but to say that Shelby's actions here are something that everyone should pity is despicable. Poopsie, can you just stop liking me? You hold your approval of me over my head a lot and I don't think that's very integrous. I don't appreciate the manipulation. Just either be my friend and accept who I am or don't be my friend. I don't want friends that pity me for standing up to a mob trying to burn a witch. I wish you would use your compassionate nature in better ways. You are not seeing this situation clearly and it's likely because you are wrapped up in what the rationalists have to offer. I don't pity you, but I feel very sad when I think about how you takes sides and then act as if you are some sort of neutral party. You are not neutral, you are on a side and you should be honest about it.
The spirit was bored and wanted to see how many pages a thread like this one would get to. Let's make the spirit happy and go past ten pages, then he will let AGuest back.
You said Shelby is deserving of pity.
No, she didn't. At all.
You are not neutral, you are on a side and you should be honest about it.
Remove the rafter from your eye before you advise others to remove the splinter. At least be honest about what poopsiecakes said before you advise honesty for others.