I agree with WTwizard...
tax them all to death. I loathe organized religion
and maybe they could then stop collecting income tax from ordinary citizens.
by InquiryMan 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I agree with WTwizard...
tax them all to death. I loathe organized religion
and maybe they could then stop collecting income tax from ordinary citizens.
The WTS has spin doctors that many politicians would give anything for.
I have the same sentiments as WTWizard and Aussie, tax 'em all! All organized religion need to come off of tax exempt status. We don't live in the era of the "church" any more, these people need to pay the government. That should help with missing revenue and help pay off the debt each country owes.
It actually tells France has the right to collect the taxes and the JW's can't hide behind freedom of religion.
If this truly is the case then I guess France will be the next Bethel to close.
There just MIGHT be some justification for granting tax exemptions to non-profit religions, but definitely no justification for granting any exemptions to a profit-generating religion which is also a non-prophet religion, but claims just the opposite.
I understood that when this started the WTS did transfer all the printing out of the French Bethel to the UK.............
: I understood that when this started the WTS did transfer all the printing out of the French Bethel to the UK.............
So, I guess when "Jehovah" stops "blessing" them in one Country, they look to other countries to find out which ones where "Jehovah" is currently doing his "blessing." That Jehovah can be so fickle about where he likes to "bless!"