Trust me ...I'm a doctor ;-)

by Kudra 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Congratulations Dr. Kudra! That is a major accomplishment. Few can really understand the dedication and hard work it requires to earn a doctorate. I don't know you, but I am SO proud of you!

    It is a crying shame that many otherwise capable young people are stifled by the Faithless Indiscreet Slave's policy that they should get "only enough education to meet their basic needs." I am so glad to you didn't fall victim to that repressive, mind-controlling, and ultimately self-defeating dictum.

    I am happy to say there are some JWs who don't lap up everything the "Slave" disgorges. I have a cousin whose daughter is pursuing her doctorate in one of the life sciences at a major university here in North America. She is doing very well and I have no doubt that big things are in store for her. Her parents are still "model" JWs and rarely mention her activities outside the family, but I know they're practically bursting with pride over her accomplishments. It's such a shame that they can't see the contradiction in values. Cognitive dissonance is powerful force... When you add that to the social coercion and emotional blackmail that are the hallmarks of JW control tactics, you can see why it is so hard for so many to accept the real truth about the Watchtower.

    On a happier note, congratulations again on earning your doctorate! Best wishes for a long and happy career.


  • MrFreeze

    Congratulations! I don't even want to think of how hard it must be to get your doctorate.

    On a side note, I have this mole on my junk that I need checked out. I'll be right over!

  • leavingwt

    Well done.

  • sooner7nc

    Congrats. What was your dissertation on?

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Way to go Kudra!!

    BTW, I hope they taught you in school that God made these...!/image/dendronew.jpg

    ...just to test our faith.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Congratulations Dr Kudra, you will never regret doing this.

    Even if you have debt now, it will pale into insignificance in the future. You may even have a life style like a GB member. No, hang on, that's stretching it a bit far! At least you will not be scratching by on Social Security and Medicare (or whatever equivalent in part of the world)

    Well done


  • jgnat

    Congratulations, Dr Kudra!

  • wasblind

    Kudra, ask yourself,

    Do you want to make Jehovah saaaad ?

    Do you think you think throwin' out your Doctorate degree wit Sparlock

    will make Jehovah happy or Saaaad ???

    Sorry , had sparlock moment Like education he's looked down upon

    Congratulations Kudra , your an inspiration for those thinkin' of leavin' this cult


  • mrsjones5

    Congratulations! You go Doc!

  • yesidid

    It must have been a lot of hard work. You did well,

    CONGRATULATIONS......................................................................DR KUDRA

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