Divorce is not, by nature, something pleasant or 'nice' in general. That said, I do wonder if there is a trend in the world that transcends the "truth".
I can hardly read anything biographical these days without encountering someone who has gone thru an amicable divorce - at least, amicable in the outcome, anyway. They may 'still be friends' and simply come to see it as another step in their personal evolution. I think this is especially true if they have good careers or assets to fall back on.
The above, however flawed, seems unknown in my experience in the organization. Everyone 'takes sides' and hate flows freely - as does outright slander - that the elders commonly do nothing about. If you made a list of typically 'Satanic' qualities of lying and hate and wishing ill, you couldn't find a better example in most Witness divorces. Perhaps it's the price of trying to force people to stay together.
In recent years, we keep seeing examples of how Witnesses are 'falling behind' in morality - as with failing to fight child sexual abuse - until the law forced them into it, following from behind on racism and civil rights, their treatment of 'dissidents' or in regard to divorce related conduct...... and I could add fraud in regard to their false prophecies about Armageddon in contrast to what most companies are permitted to say about future revenues!