Avoid Testing God in Your Heart - transcript of talk from District Convention 2012

by wannabefree 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pistoff

    The WT is apparently quashing higher education without considering the consequences.

    Jehovah's Witnesses rank the LOWEST in income among major religions.


    How will this play for them in the long term? Does the GB really believe that the end is near, and that lower donations from a low paid rank and file won't affect them??

  • MrFreeze

    Stopped reading after the error in the first part. You know, the part that said the exodus actually occurred.

  • clarity

    They are trying to drown us in this crap ..... lucky us we kept coming up for AIR!


    7 million jw's can't even think for themselves ... they are plugged into the ONE BIG BRAIN!

    here's why ........



  • therevealer

    mindseye touched on the web site comment. So if as the speaker says: There is only one official internet website wherein one can find all the information they need to know about Jehovah's Witnesses including the abundance of downloadable publications, and that is jw.org. - does that mean that www.watchtower.org and www.jw-media.org are apostates or something. It shows that they can't even keep up with their own changes. When that talk was made up it would seem, they thought that by the time it was delivered jw.org would be as the talk says, the one official website. But since they can't, even with the "free labor" and jah's backing, keep to a schedule (remember they said that jw.org would be the sole web presence by JUNE) they look like bunkins once again.

  • wannabefree
    Well, some feel that the spiritual food received from Jehovah's Organization is not enough, they need more. And so some have taken it upon themselves to try and provide more. A few have pursued independent group studies of Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation. Others have created websites and chatrooms for the purpose of exchanging and debating scriptural views. Still others feel the need to produce online services, hold conferences, produce publications or material to supplement what is already provided through Jehovah's Organization.

    (What exactly is Jehovah's Organization? How does it channel information from God?)

    Now as a reminder, Jesus said at Matthew 24:45 that he would appoint a faithful and discreet slave to provide food at the proper time. Now what's interesting about this is that verses 46 and 47 state that if the slave was faithful in carrying out their assignment, Jesus would appoint them over all his belongings.

    (REMINDER - DON'T FORGET - Jesus appointed a faithful and discreet slave - they have been selected by Jesus himself)

    Imagine, thinking that we would know better, or that we could somehow supplement the rich spiritual food coming from Jesus' faithful and discreet slave, those whom he has appointed.

    (Do you think you know better than Jesus?)

    With that in mind, the slave class does not endorse any literature, meetings, or websites that are not produced or organized under its oversight. There is only one official internet website wherein one can find all the information they need to know about Jehovah's Witnesses including the abundance of downloadable publications, and that is jw.org.

    How do they know what the "slave class" does or doesn't endorse? A consensus isn't asked of the group, they don't even keep track of who they are and there are supposedly over 11,000 of them. Oh, they must be referring to the seven who Jesus appointed as the Governing Body - *** w01 1/15 p. 29 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation *** "the governing body of the ‘slave' class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by . . . Jesus Christ, the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the ‘faithful and discreet slave' class."

  • Chariklo

    Basically, in a nutshell:

    We are right, we are right, we are right, Jehovah is right, we speak for Jehovah, we are right, We are Jehovah's only channel of communication, those appointed leaders by God's organisation are right, leaders are right, God's organisation is right, and IF YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF YOU ARE WRONG, WRONG WRONG, AND YOU ARE DISOBEYING JEHOVAH! His God-appointed leaders will lovingly adjust you and may shun you, lovingly, for your own good and to keep his organsation clean. Holy and clean.

    Because we are right and you are wrong, and if you are wrong Jehovah will deny you life. Because if you arrogantly think for yourself and disobey his organisation you will be wrong, wrong, wrong, because we can only be right."

    I find the bit about "secret doubts" to be particularly troubling. They actually want to get inside of everyone's head and make the R&F feel guilty for even having legitimate questions.

    Yes, for the great sin of thinking.

  • VM44

    "For instance: How do we feel when there is counsel or direction on how we should view higher education? Jehovah's Organization is very clear on this subject, but have we taken a stand, like the world around us, and, reasoned in our minds that that's the only way that we can have a secure future, even if I have to sacrifice my spirituality, higher education is really the way to go?"

    The Watchtower has paid for Bethelites to attend college and receive degrees in engineering and law.

    Rob Pollock is the name of one such individual, and when he was attending college classes it is said that he often missed meetings.

    The Watchtower really does not have the freedom to speak against higher education when it has sent some to partake of it.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Thanks for posting this. This must have been a manuscript talk because it sounds almost word for word from the one I heard. Horrible.

  • donuthole

    " Still others feel the need to produce online services, hold conferences, produce publications or material to supplement what is already provided through Jehovah's Organization. ... Imagine, thinking that we would know better, or that we could somehow supplement the rich spiritual food coming from Jesus' faithful and discreet slave, those whom he has appointed."

    Can someone make sure ThirdWitness gets the memo? I always find it amusing that such a vigorous defender of the faith online would ignore counsel like this.

  • skeeter1

    How all cults are run:

    Rule #1) The leader(ship) speaks for God. Convince all new recruits (and constantly remind the flock) of this "fact".

    Rule #2) The leader(ship) tells all to "sit down, shut up, or else." See Rule #1.

    You begin to see how easily the Koolaid could go down.....

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