I was thinking the other day about the fascinating dichotomy of how the creation of the universe plays a role in the belief system of believers and non-believers. It is the difference between a top-down vs. bottom-up view of reality. In this post I'm mainly disucssing highly rational, scientific type believers and non-believers, open to fully exploring their belief system, of which I have talked to many.
To the non-believer, the creation event, the Big Bang, is the one utterly unexplainable event. Everything else can be proved, demonstrated, or realistically hypothesized about. The impetus for the Big Bang is, essentially, without understanding. However, as a non-believer, I've built up everything I know about the world through science, exploration, confirmation, and I am ok with having that one pinnacle point in my world-view go unexplained for now.
To the believer who is open to test their beliefs fully with rationality, the reverse is true. I've argued with such ones, JWs or not, over things like 607, the Great Flood, 1914, generations, laws, morality and on and on. And at the end, when I counter all their arguments, I ask, 'give me one thing that you can absolutely hang your hat on; one thing you feel I can not touch of which you are absolutely sure.' And at this they say, 'when I look at creation, I know something must have created it.' From the top, they place the apex of their belief as being that 'a God' MUST exist, and that pre-supposed conviction trickles down and influences every other belief or decision they decide to have.
So ultimately I found it interesting: The creation of the universe for me is the one thing of which I am fully unsure. For the believer, the same event instead serves as the one unshakeable proof.