Special Assembly Day of
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Program 2012-2013
Safeguard Your Conscience —1 Tim. 1:19.
Not-So-Special Ass-embly Day of Jehovah's Witlessess
Program 2012-2013
Theme: Check Your Brains at the Door -Genesis 1:1
Why Your Inner Voice Needs Safeguarding
Why Your Inner Voice Needs Dissecting
“Clean From the Blood of All Men”—How So?
"Dirty From the Blood of 7,000,000 Men"- How So?
Is Your Conscience Truly Guided by Bible Principles?
Is Your Conscience Truly Guided by Our Twisted Interpretation of Bible Principles?
Dedication and Baptism Song No. 60
(Remind all baptismal canidates to complete new 'Covenant to Not Sue" forms prior to water immersion)
Do Not Wound the Conscience of Your Brother!
Do Not Live Your Own Life!
Young Ones Who Bear Up Under Grievous Things
Young Ones Who Bear Up Under Grievous Things
Think God’s Thoughts, Not Man’s
Think Our Thoughts, Not God's
Lifting the Veil That Blinds the Mind
Lowering the Veil That Blinds the Mind
Symposium: Keep This Mental Attitude
- Readiness of Mind
- Lowliness of Mind
- Oneness of Mind
- Soundness of Mind
Symposium: Keep This Mental Trip
-Deadness of Mind
-Slowliness of Mind
-Cultness of Mind
- Soundlessness of Mind
Who Molds Your Thinking?
We Mold Your Thinking!
Feed Your Mind at Jehovah’s Table Each Day
Starve Your Mind at Jehovah's Table Each Day
Symposium: Reflect the Mind of Christ
in Your Family
? Husbands, Continue Loving Just as Christ Loved
? Wives, Appreciate Your Value in God’s Eyes ? Parents, Bring Up Your Children in the
“Mental-Regulating of Jehovah”
? Young Ones, Make the Truth Your Own
Symposium: Reflect the Mind of the Governing Body in Your Family
Wives, Appreciate Your Value More Than We Do
Parents, Bring Up Your Innocent and Unsuspecting Children in the "Mental-Brainwashing of the Govering Body"
Young Ones, Make the Cult Your Own
Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit(Remind all of the need to ignore anything not coming directly from the Faithful and Discreet Slave)
Public Address: Keep Close in Mind Jehovah’s Day!
Public Address: Keep Close in Mind a Made-up Day!
“Brace Up Your Minds for Activity”
"Brace Up Your Minds for Inactivity"
Let the Peace of God Guard Your Mental Powers
Let the Peace of Not Thinking for Yourself Gaurd Your Mental Powers