I've been enlightened.

by Emery 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emery

    Hi everyone,

    Ive been lurking for quite sometime and now feel the need to come and noob it up. It's taken a lot to bring me to read anything critical of the WTS. I used to glance at these apostate sites and shutter in fear because of the obvious demonic venom that can be found :) I am still an active witness and have been in this struggle to stay both in and be removed mentally from this organization. Im young and recently married to an active witness aswell and she has slowly come to the same realization that this society works upon conditional love. The pharasaical form of worship which only resembles that of coporate jobs is not the original 1st century way of serving God (still a believer). I have to say that even as a little kid I had a bad feeling go up my spine anytime we were told to basically follow what the faithful and discreet slave said blindly. Ive realized that our faith is borrowed, and does not belong to us. When new light comes to us at these conventions, its not because we ourselves have done our biblical homework, research, or logically reasoned upon the matter...its what 7 spoiled and sheltered men in Brooklyn believe.

    I decided to research the Faithful Slave doctrine on my own and my discoveries are what led me to free thinking. Inspecting the evidence and basis for their selection in 1919 was that jenga piece that brought everything crashing down. No 1914, no UN, or pedophile situation caused my faith to waiver... it was their self appointed false authority. Books like "The Finished Mystery", "Millions Now Living will Never Die", and glancing at some of Russel's "Study in the Scriptures" is what finally drove me to the conclusion that the FDS doctrine is the most fraudulent and embarrassing doctrine a witnesses can hold to. There is no way Jehovah through Jesus Christ (perfect divine beings) function through countless false prophecies, ridiculous interpretations, and corrupt error prone earthly agencies.

  • snowbird


    I agree wholeheartedly.

  • leavingwt


  • mrsjones5

    You've swallowed the red pill. Welcome.

  • notjustyet

    What you have hung your hat on is spelled out in a book "Captives Of a Concept" by Don Cameron it goes all into detail about how the

    JWs could not have been selected in 1919.

    It is out there for download if you would like to see it all laid out for you.


  • BabaYaga

    Well done and welcome, Emery!

  • Shanagirl

    Hi, Welcome. I don't beleive there is anything but a dark force these men represent. Certainly the Heavenly Father Christ spoke of was nto the NT god. Lurking and taking in the many things taht are talked about on these boards, is very helpful in clearing the brain washing.


  • Aware!

    Welcome! W hen I was a kid, I too always found the FDS doctrine fishy. One poster here put it perfectly, "It misreads a moral parable as a prophetic allegory."

  • yknot

    Learning the Truth about the Troof.....its a growing trend in congregations everywhere! Glad you decided to start posting... Hope your wife considers joining! -huggles
  • Aware!

    Have there ever been so many new posters coming here at once?

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