According to nder no circumcisions, would we accept a blood.
by ranmac 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Two minutes into his concluding talk at the DC, Brother Splane made this slip of the tounge. Almost everyone laughed their ass off. I only went to the sunday programming but could tell this was the highlight of the weekend. He continued his logical discourse with gems about how Noah went door to door and had to call on Nephilim and he made it crystal clear that even our disfellowshipped children have to be completely cut off because only Jehovah has the power to save them. His slip of the tounge actually was understandable because while watching him spew his rubbish on the stage he kind of looked like a penis in a suit.
So noah witnessed to the nephilim huh? What kind of drugs are these J-dubs on?
Just to verify that he is a member of the spimGB. His mind is stuck on his penis.
It's like metatron always said: they're getting dumber and crazier.
St George of England
Noah went door to door and had to call on Nephilim
I'm sure it's only a matter of time before archaeologists find his S8 tablets!
what is with jw's and the nephlim? my jw will bring them up in the weirdest of times, no context whatsoever. Maybe he just has a personal fascination? or all jw's big on the nephlim?
I was writing an entire story about nephilim and the flood---which led to research----which led to me waking up. I think nephilim are important to them because they believe that they are living in similar times---so they keep looking to the flood for inspiration as they wait for a different kind of destruction/salvation.
Noah knocked on nephilim doors? Does this mean the nephilim were capable of repentence and getting on th ark????? Cuz, I gotta say, the entire idea for my story came from the thought that mothers would have to leave their nephilim children to drown because they were hybrids and evil and could never get on the ark. So maybe mothers couldn't bring themselves to do that.
Anyway---fun fairytale---but still, even though it's just a story, it is good form to stick to canon. Witnessing to nephilim would only achieved violence, according to the structure of the story and the characters. weirdos.
The Oracle
This thread reminded me of just how absurd the bible stories are.
Noah's Flood and the Nephilim.
The Tower of Babel and the birth of many new languages.
The hospitality of Lot - offering his two daughters to be raped by the crowd, instead of the two strangers in his house.
Abraham willing to stab his son on the mountaintop.
Jehovah getting pissed at Cain for sacficiing vegetables instead of animals
Oh the list is endless.
The Oracle