At the last District Convention I went to (2010) I was sitting in my seat during the lunch break. I was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me. They were talking about brother 'so and so'. They discussed how they might encourage him and personally help him out spiritually. One said to the other "We need to help that brother". It was really a very heartwarming conversation.
Then I got to thinking about my own spirituality. How I was getting less and less time in service. How discouraged I was because despite all my attempts, no one ever seemed to notice how poorly I was doing. I got to wondering why no one ever got together like that for my benefit. How come I'm not doing very well, am very discouraged, and no one noticed that and takes ME under their wing.
At first, I was happy to have heard their chat, but then I was really depressed and sad that no one ever tried to help me like that. One of the things that led me to leave the JWs was the lack of love and interest toward me. On the other hand, if I hadn't been ignored and neglected I would probably still be trapped in a cult with no future. So even though I was discouraged and depressed about it, those emotions were worth what I have now: freedom.
"we need to help that brother"
by TimeBandit 21 Replies latest jw experiences
Time bandit, dont feel so bad. When I began my fade, all I got was unencouraging text messages from an elder in my hall.
tIme 4 may?
need time NOW!
we are hre 4 u if you need to talk
I literally went 7 months where all the texts from him, once a month were asking for time. the answer was always zero. I finally texted him back and told him that I promised if I got time to turn in, I would not forget and he did not need to keep texting me.
As an ex-jw, I have had more support and kindness from other ex-jws than I received from jws in nearly 30 years in the cult. Yeah, I did know a few truly loving/caring jws, but they were few and far between like stated above. I've had a rough trip leaving the Jws, but my life is better now than ever before.
Thanks for the support. Thanks for this forum.
I feel the same way TmeBandit.
Early in my fade,I did confide in my best friend about my doubts. She hardly speaks to me now,not even by e-mail. I thought she would try to encourage me,but she has already given up on me. I didn't go into specifics as to what my doubts were,and in no way tried to discouage her.
And I'm pretty much invisible to my congregation. It's rather perplexing,but at the same time,I'm relieved. There is no need trying to explain my reasons for no longer attending meetings.
I appreciate this forum too,and other ex-Witnesses. This is the only place I can be open and be myself.
tIme 4 may?
need time NOW!
we are hre 4 u if you need to talk
Now there's some high-powered Christianity in action!
Talk is cheap. Brothers most likely did talk about helping you, but following up and doing it is lacking. My old cong was quite spiritual, at elder meetings we were always identifying who needed help and making assignments to do so. Usually what would happen is the elder would contact that person at the last minute, a day or two before the next elder's meeting just so he would be able to say he carried out his assignment, if at all. Probably the same in most areas.
their are clicks in there.Their is NO LOVE AT ALL.I was in the borg for 40 years,so i know what i'm talking about!The only ones that ever get any attention,are the suck a$$es ok,but if your a strong willed person,they will never notice you,in fact they will try to get you out of the hall.No invites to jw house parties,no encouragement to anything accept to give money or bust your a$$ building halls,or running around doing hard work for everyone else in there ok!If you had a problem,or were a sinner,then you got shown the door!The witchtower is narcissistic,and so are all of the elders and rank and file,it's part of their fxxked up thinking.Oh well everything will be fixed in the new order,yeah right!