With the above in mind, plus everything else that has been posted in these boards about the WTS, can you honestly answer that the WTS is the only true religion that can be called the truth?The answer is YES. I've read tons of the stuff you're referring to, and it hasn't disturbed me the least bit.
Now will you answer my question?
Here it is again, quoted. How would you answer the question?
The expression, "The Truth", is perfectly fitting for the only true Christian religion, namely Jehovah's Witnesses. All other so-called "Christian" religions sprang up from the seed that Satan planted. (Matthew 13:24-30) Since Jesus' illustration shows that both -- the weeds AND the wheat -- are to be found coexisting right on up until the "harvest", then "The Truth" should be evident TODAY. So for those who believe Jesus' words, and yet think the JW religion isn't "The Truth", they have a question to answer --> Then which "Christian" religion IS?