Why are stars on Republican elephant logo inverted while Democrat donkey stars are upright?

by Kudra 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    JWN conspiracy nuts are my favorite conspiracy nuts!

    So I'd like to throw you guys this chestnut:

    Why are the stars on the Republican elephant inverted while the stars on the Democrat's donkey "right side up"?

    Perhaps this question has been raised already or is an old one. If so, my apologies.

    The logos are the way I describe in the majority of cases. Sure there is one or two elephants on the google image search that show the stars as point-up, but what I describe above is the case on the official websites etc.

  • Berengaria


  • Kudra

    ok... Thanks Berengaria ;-)

    I was actually hoping to unleash a storm of Illuminati-fueled rantings...

    One of the more ~reputable~ sites I visited says that George Bush (W. or H.W., I don't know) changed it in the 90s "to make it satanic" lol.

    Well, back to work on other things now, I suppose.

  • BizzyBee

    It is a secret code to trigger the Illuminati signal to the Muslim overlords that the revolution is imminent. Take cover.

  • kurtbethel

    Seriously, the inverted stars are a symbol of Satan, and the Republican policy positions have shown that they are diametrically opposed to Christ's teachings in Matthew 25, namely:

    Feed the hungry (end welfare)
    Clothe the naked (end welfare)
    Shelter the homeless (let the banks take homeowner's money and then throw them out)
    HEAL THE SICK (repeal healthcare!)
    Visit those in prison (execute them)
    and on and on...

    For all their supposed morals, they are doing the opposite. It is a grand hypocrisy and it is evil.

    Even good old Mother Jones has noticed this.


  • Kudra

    any thoughts from the a.m. shift?

  • Diest

    I agree with Kurt....hmmm could it be SATAN!?

  • james_woods

    There is actually a question (among many of superstition) as to whether the five-pointed star should be in use on either symbol, regardless of orientation.

    It has to do with the mystery of the number phi (the golden ratio) which is fundamental to a five pointed star. This number was greatly respected or feared by the ancients because it is arguably the most irrational number possible.

    Sort of like they both feared and admired prime numbers - like 7 or 13.

    I might point out - to further confuse the issue - that five spoked wheels (like those on a Ferrari) point both UP and DOWN as the wheels turn.

  • Kudra


    I might point out - to further confuse the issue - that five spoked wheels (like those on a Ferrari) point both UP and DOWN as the wheels turn.

    now you've gone and ruined my day

    But seriously... I know about phi and all, but whay are the dem's stars always "up" and the repub's stars always "down"? There must be a legitimate reason for the ever-present distinction, no?

  • truth_b_known

    The stars on the Republican logo are not upsidedown. The are leaning to the right. Just like the elephant is always facing to the right.

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