Evidently, "clearly" at times turns out to be not so clear, this is apparently so by the following ....
*** w52 6/15 p. 375 Subjection to Superior Authorities ***
"Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities."-Rom. 13:1, NW.
p. 375 pars. 6-7 .....These last words, "for there is no authority except by God," are proof conclusive that the "superior authorities" Paul is speaking of could not refer to the political powers of the Caesar governments. In the Scripture at Revelation 13:2, NW, the Bible specifically states that Satan is the one who has empowered and authorized the old world Caesars. Hence the "superior authorities" in Romans chapter 13 which God commissions includes only the theocratic ruling authorities and excludes Caesar's authorities.
The Bible clearly identifies these truly superior authorities. First of all, Jehovah God himself, ..... The second in command and the remaining "superior authority" is the consort King Christ Jesus
par. 10 ... The above quotations from Paul's letter to the Romans could never have applied to the political powers of Caesar's world as wrongly claimed by the clergy of Christendom. The Caesars of this world have never demonstrated by their deeds that they are ‘God's ministers to you for good'. Rather, exactly to the contrary, the Caesars have done evil by persecuting God's faithful servants.