JWs do like to sue. I was out in service with my young daughter and we called on her return visit, who happened to be her science teacher. Their dog jumped on the car of the driver, who was elder whose wife was a pioneer. The dog put scratches on the driver's side door. The elder was a car salesman and if the scratches didn't come out, he'd have to pay his employer $500. After we left that house, he kept talking about going back to get insurance information from them, so he wouldn't have to pay the $500! My poor daughter was so afraid he was going to do that. Imagine her embarrassment, we went on to their property, so their dog had the right to defend it's owners and property. Fortunately, he decided to wait to see if the maintenance guys at his work could get it out without costing anything, and they did. Shoot, maybe if he had gone back to try to get my daughter's teacher to pay for the damage, it might have caused her so much embarrassment that it could have led to her eventually leaving.
Did you pick-up many people for the meetings??
by karter 37 Replies latest jw experiences
Oh, I picked up a person or two. But I remember I was able to get dropped off at a meeting and asked and elder's wife (she was of the annointed) if they could drop me off at home, I lived right on their way to their home. She said loudly, "Oh, No! Norman would have a fit. We don't have room with his large bookbag and everything!" I later saw him put that large bookbag in his trunk before they left. I actually had difficulty getting someone to take me home. And I lived not a mile from the KH. I guess I could have walked, but it was uphill and at night, but that seems to be what they would have preferred. I came from a very uncaring congregation!
I only sometimes was asked to give rides to assemblies. I didn't mind, except for the time one poor study had her kids in the back, and her poor kid was afraid to tell his Mom he was getting car sick, and he threw up in the back of my van! On the way to DA. We cleaned it as best as we could,but it sat all day in the MI Summer sun. I scrubbed it 2more times to get the odor out. What really irked me was when I was expected to take on someone else's studies kids for the meetings/assemblies! I had 3 kids of my own, & an unbelieving mate, so I was on my own. And when I was a study, it was rare for anyone to help me. People would just assume I didn't mind taking their study's kids so that the study could "get something out of it".(Yeah, free babysitting!) Why the hell weren't they taking care of their study's kids? My 3 plus 1 or 2 extra. Guess it's a good thing, tho. If I had been able to listen, maybe I wouldn't have gotten out!
Bubblegum Apotheosis
Appointed and owning a stationwagon, what do you think? I was the free taxi that nobody ever thought of offering gas money to. Stingy and selfishness abound with these Jack-Holes, how many of you ever were offered gas money? I am talking about decades of "Delivering Disfuctionals" to the "Happy Kingdom Hall Place" and not once having anyone offer one dime!
life is to short
Bubblegum Apotheosis
I was never once offered a penny much less a dime. The pioneer sister we used haul around, I actually went over to her home and spoke to her on two different times the last time she was hateful she shoved this foot stool at me and told me to sit on it as I was standing and she sat in this big Lazy boy chair.I told her I was sick of picking her up and driving her all over so she could get in her 90 hours a months and having to listen to how tired she was how she had PMS for three weeks out of the month to explain away why she was so rude and such. I told her I had to work to support my husband and myself as my husband was devoting all of his free time to the hall as he was the only elder. It was not fair that she got a free ride. Her answer was what does it matter to you, you are going to be out anyway having me with you does not cost you anything.
I was tired too. I was sick of her wanting to go out alone with my husband while I worked. I did not like it or think it was proper for them to go door to door alone being that they were both married to other people.
In the hall I pioneered in we had 10 pioneers. Married people would work alone all the time with another peoples mate. I thought it was crazy and so did the worldly people in the small town we lived it. I was a waitress and I knew the talk of the town. Everyone was wondering what was going on seeing Joe with Sally knowing Joe was married to Sue and Sally was married to Mark. It was just bizarre and I hated it.
I know so many on this board say that two people of the opposite sex could not ride alone in a car in their congregation. I kind of wish I was in one of those halls as it really helped to destroy my marriage. I just truly hated my husband driving around for hours with a women my age who was truly a knock out and who hated my guts and who was in a very bad marriage as both her and her husband let everyone know.
My mom used to pick people up for the meeting pretty regularly. I never remember her complaining about it and kind of enjoyed it I think. When my dad started studying, we stopped picking people up until dad got asked by a brother if he would mind and turned out he loved doing it too. We always had nice cars and a little extra gas was not a hard ship for our family. We never picked up families because our car was already pretty full with us to begin with (Dad hates little kids anyway)
My best memory is this one. We were getting ready to move across the country and the cars had been sent ahead so we were using a rental minivan. At the last minute we got a frantic call from another brother, his car had broken down and he was supposed to pick up an older sister, could we help out. No problem, off we headed and found the older sister standing in front of her assisted living apartment with her crutches. She had bad hips and a had a very hard time moving. So we are all standing on the curb, looking from the sister to the van and wondering how on earth we are going to get her up into it. My dad, a very handsome man, blushes beet red and says to the sister "well, there is only one thing to do" bends down and wraps his arms around her torso and sets her gently on the front seat. The sister, grinning broadly, says some thing along the lines of that was the best thing to happen to her in a long time and we head to the kingdom hall.
One thing drilled into me over the years was to at least offer gas money. Some people wouldn't take it no matter what so I used to drop it into the cup holder or into the service bag. Even now, if someone drives me somewhere, I try to buy them a drink or something in appreciation.
As a child, we dragged people to and from the hall and assemblies. It wasn't a big deal at the time. My parents are now in their 70's, and they are still picking people up, my mom gets annoyed that they seem to be the only ones asked to do the ferrying around. They also get stuck dragging people back and forth to doctor appointments and hospitals in the 'big city'. They have to sit there, literally sometimes all day, as the person gets this test done and that test done. They do live an area where there is senior busing. I don't know if they have ever made that suggestion to these people or not.
No one should have to give a ride to people who are incontinent and not able to care for their own hygiene. That is just gross and extremely unsanitary. If the incontinent person was able to use a diaper product and not leak all over everything, then that changes things.
:Did you pick-up many people for the meetings??
I did; some of them lived as much as 12 miles from the local Kingdom Hall.
I made them all walk home, though. I wasn't "reaching out" so much, I guess.