Survey: How Sure are you of Your Beliefs?

by simon17 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • simon17

    I find it interesting to see, not just the state of people's beliefs, but how sure they are of them. Or asked another way, what is the percent chance people feel they are wrong about their current beliefs. So state your current core beliefs about JWs, Christianity, God, and a percentage 0-100% of how sure you are that this belief is correct. 100% is absolute sureness, in that no piece of additional information or reflection could ever change your mind.

    Mine (feel free to copy my categories or make your own):

    * JW's not 'God's' true organization: 99.9%+ sure

    * Bible not inspired: 99.9%+ sure

    * A personal god does not exist: 99.9%+ sure

    * No god-like creator exists: 70% sure

  • Ucantnome

    * JW's not 'God's' true organization: I don't feel it's up to me to judge who they are. I can only answer for my actions.

    * Bible not inspired: I believe it is inspired

    I believe God exists.

    How sure am I of the of these things? Sure enough to give me hope.

  • cofty

    JW's not 'God's' true organization: 100% sure

    * Bible not inspired: 100% sure

    * A personal god does not exist: 100% sure

    * No god-like creator exists: 99% sure

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Even B4 I had a religion I believed in God and still do.

    I am certain that the WTBTS could not be Jehovah's Org.

    And YES I do believe the Bible is inspired and I'm certain that the F&DS is NOT!

  • thinking_1

    I am sure only to the extent of my current knowledge. That changes everyday.

    Not attacking your thread simon17 but people seem to think it's noble for some reason to be absolutely sure. To be steadfast in their position no matter what comes along. That requires an extreme amount of pride, arrogance, and ingnorance.

    One of these things is not like the others,

    Can you spot which one?

    - Ingnorance

    - Nobility

    - Arrogance

    - Pride

    Once again, not saying bad about the OP or any responders.

  • transhuman68

    * JW's not 'God's' true organization: hahaha is this a joke?

    * Bible not inspired: It is a book- full of words like every other book ever written.

    * A personal god does not exist: Yup, no use praying to be handsome.

    * No god-like creator exists: Who knows? Define 'God'...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I like this.

    Jehovahs Witnesses not god's organization: 100%

    Bible not God's word: 100%

    Personal god does not exist: 100%

    No god-like creator exists: 90% (but really unknowable)

    My only hope is that people come to realize that passing on good information is better than passing on your lousy genes.

  • sabastious
    No god-like creator exists: 99% sure


  • bottleofwater

    JW's not 'God's' true organization: 98%

    * Bible not inspired: 97%

    * A personal god does not exist: 99%

    * No god-like creator exists: 90% sure

  • thinking_1

    buuuuut at the moment:

    * JW's not 'God's' true organization: 99% sure

    * Bible not inspired: 99% sure

    * A personal god does not exist: 99% sure

    * No god-like creator exists: I'd also have to go with "Define God?"


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