Basically, I have a couple of questions about the current “rules” regarding disfellowshipping and shunning. By current I mean since 1999.
Sorry, but I have to put a bit of my history to clarify my situation.
I was a born-in who was baptized in 1983. Got married to a sister in 1984. Then the kids came. By the mid-1990s my wife and I had become increasingly irregular, so that by 1999 we were both inactive and only went to the Memorial and conventions.
In 1999 I committed adultery, confessed to the elders, and had a judicial committee. At the time I really did feel contrite (more for my wife’s feelings than for ‘bringing reproach on Jehovah’) and I guess the elders could see this because they didn’t disfellowship me. That day I left the judicial meeting feeling great and ready to be Ü ber-Witness .
T he weird thing is, by the very next day I’d done a complete 180 and decided I would never return to the kingdom hall (my wife had already decided that for herself).
Flash forward to 2006, after 7 years of being an inactive JW, celebrating holidays, etc. At that time I told my JW sister that I was gay (yes, I was married with kids. It’s a long story that I’ll have to explain in another post if anyone asks). My sister tells me that, even though I’m not disfellowshipped, my ‘actions’ show that I have disassociated myself. Hence, she began to shun me and still does to this day.
In 2008 I moved out of the country. However, from 1999 to 2008, except for the occassional “we miss you at the meetings” visit, I was never contacted by the elders about any additional judicial meetings, being disfellowshipped, etc., even though I lived in the same house and they knew my contact information.
So, I’d like to ask anyone out there…
1. Wouldn’t the elders have contacted me if they were thinking of disfellowshipping me? (I'm thinking in the event that my sister had talked to my hall's elders about my gay ‘confession’ to her).
2. Are JWs now instructed to shun people even when they haven’t been disfellowshipped/disassociated? (Or is this my sister’s own interpretation?)
3. Has anyone else experienced this ‘non-sanctioned’ shunning, especially by family members?
Sorry for the long post.