God's underserved kindness: coerses millions to slave for a printing company by having them believe Christ's sacrifice is not sufficient to bring salvation to mankind...
Let's make a dictionary of Watchtower terms using Watchtower terms
by brotherunsure 20 Replies latest social humour
inactive: not going out in 'field service' or attending 'the meetings' enough to get into 'the paradise' and get 'everlasting life'
theocratic ministry school: 'giving talks' to teach others in the congregation how to make 'jehovah' happy when going out in 'the ministry'.
happified: suffering from clinical depression
"end": an arbitrary point in time from which extends an indeterminate period of
time during which you wait for something that could be called an end at which time
the end stops ending.After WWI broke out in July 28, 1914, Russell about-faced about omens and in-
terpreted it as a sign of the end and claimed a hit. He was off by a bit over a
year and two months by his corrected calculation (Oct., 1915), or a bit over two
months by Barbour's original date (Oct., 1914). Didn't seem to bother him.
The end was beginning in 1914 and would end ending at the end of 1914...or
In 1916, he predicted the end would end ending in a few years. He came to an
end in 1916. WWI ended and Armageddon and the other miracles never began.
http://gtw6437.tripod.com/id12.html -
Conscience: A loophole word that can mean an action or thought is ok, but most of us will judge you quietly, or also mean we will never talk to you again and blame you for it and hold you emotionally hostage.
Education: A frivolous pursuit which no young person would ever get to gain benefits from, as this world will soon (see above) end.
Reaching Out: Doing what you are told, and saying what the elders want to hear, in expectation of more privledges. (see below) Does not apply to females.
Privledge: A chore or assignment that most people normally would try to get out of, such as vacuuming, cleaning toilets, collecting donations for the pedophile defense fund, speaking in front of large audiences for no personal gain, yet is highly sought after and the threat of their removal causes many to do exactly as they are told by people they do not work for, or often even like.
Pedophile: Someone you provide Sanctuary For,in a Kingdom Hall..
Wait on Jehovah: Shut Up!..