I can understand maybe wearing one of these out in FS, or at CA's & DC/IC, while out and about, but to the KH, come on who the heck are they trying to impress?? It looks so stupid for half the congregation to be wearing these things at most of the meeting. oh and now when the circuit serpent, sorry servant, comes around it's even worse!!! Butt kissing is in full pucker mode!!!!
In another posting I saw a commit or two about BIG meeting bags. You can tell the really self important newly appointed MS's not too many years ago, the next meeting, they came in hauling one of these things with them. And of course the one's that wanted it really badly, already had one!!!
One congregation, there was a want to be so badly type, he had the BIGGEST catalog case known to mankind, and he had almost every JW books that was anywhere close to current in it. He would set alone on the front row, and have all his books and ton's of notes all spread out, in order of the meeting! He moaned about not being appointed all the time. He also worked 6 hours a night, so he could pioneer, 5 hours a day, every day, yup 150 hours a month. He was so creepy, it was scarey!!