Does Christ's ramsom cater for Extraterestials? During his three days death he visited the Spirits in prison who came to earth during Noah's day, as in Jude 1. The word Angel is an old english word for 'Angle' which means 'the keepers of the Angles' and are also Extra-terrestials, hence Aliens. In the bible book of Genesis 11:7 God said "Let 'US GO DOWN' to confuse their languages". So to go down means they must have come from above and hence not of earth but Extra terestial or Alien. So Jesus died for Mankind, but he also had to preach to the fallen Watchers or Angels. To preach indicates he had a message. So what was the message about?
Where does the Ransom fit into the Alien agenda?
by Nimrod 17 Replies latest jw friends
England (UK) was previously known as the land of the Angle's, with a whole section of the country still bearing the name East Anglia.
You'll also find this in the French name for English - Anglais.
I also understand that English is one of the more difficult languages to pick up.
It also finds itself in the Northern Hemisphere.Now if the message was to go to England, as represented as heaven, does this make bonnie Scotland the heaven of the heavens, since it is even more Northward?
I imagine Englishman may have something to say about that .
So Jesus died for Mankind, but he also had to preach to the fallen Watchers or Angels.
He Did?
So what was the message about?
You mean YOU don't know?
Weren't you there? Oh dark fallen one.
Nimrod from previous thread:
"Yes,I very much believe we are a product of Extra terrestial design.[8>] The Elohim(Heb) are actually the Elder Gods of Mesopotamian Mythology."Nimrod from this thread:
"So Jesus died for Mankind, but he also had to preach to the fallen Watchers or Angels."Oh yah,Jesus must have sat for HOURS under many a shade tree teaching the "Golden Rule" and telling stories to DEMONS. BWWAAAaaaaaaaaa!
ARE YOU Having Fun Yet.................Wiggit?
.......................................Or just a bord Prankster?I can't say anything really I'm bord enough to come in here and respond....DUHhhhh.
"The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kin Hubbard -
To plmcrzy;
I get the sense that you are belittling my subject matter. If you don't have anything seriously constructive to say then disappear and tease someone else. I'm a 'researcher' and not a 'crank', Im also new
to the site and a serious Occultist Magician who has no time for foolish jibber. Nimrod. -
Nimrod, you are also full of poop.
"I'm a 'researcher' and not a 'crank', Im also new
to the site and a serious Occultist Magician who has no time for foolish jibber. Nimrod."Exactly how long did you spend researching 'crank'?
Maybe...2 long?
logi, LOL
"The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kin Hubbard -
Nimrod, you are also full of poop
Miss Logical.Now weve only just met. Im a new person on the board, expressing an opinion, and you hurl vitreolic, nasty insults at me. Is that nice? I ask you. Is that any way to welcome a person?
Very disappointing behaviour.
Miss Palmcrazy."The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kim SummersYou, yourself did say it.
I wonder though? How mnuch research have you yourself done on ANY subject?Let alone the one I express opinions on. -
Nimrod --
Stick around long enough and you'll have your fair share of pokes and prods...
BTW, most scholars cannot say with any certainty what the message was to the angels because the Bible DOESN'T say what the message was. It just said a message.
Ask any mormon or JW, they would know what the message was.ofcmad
Quote: To the 'mindless twurps' who can't deal with such radical ideas as this subject poses; are so often doomed to their own ignorance. (Kimbal Summers)
LOL,This is too funny!!Hey numbrod,I am also a magician.One stroke from my magic wand,Poof Your a Pumpkin!..LOL...OUTLAW