Ha ha! This is a con!

by ozziepost 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    The April 1st issue of The Watchtower invites those who have some 'serious concealed sin' to report to the "loving Christian elders".

    It reminds the R&F that they (the elders) "will not treat lightly your desire to experience the restoration of a good relationship with your heavenly Father".

    Oh yeah? We all know that this is code for a judicial committee.

    Be warned!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Prisca

    And don't expect your "sins" to remain confidential, cos we all know what the elders/elder's wives/pioneers/publishers grape vine is like!

  • peterstride

    Sadly, some JWs will follow that admonition from the printed page...with disastrous results for them.

    Hopefully it will be the nudge they need to look at the WTS a bit more carefully and find out what's really going on.

    Just my thoughts on the matter,


  • avengers

    What about the sins of the GB?


    Hi Oz
    Nice pickup on that WT article.

    It seems that in our cong we have a real dearth of JC's at the moment.

    one very mentally sick elder actually volunteers himself for them, traditionally elders put forward names and the body chooses who is suitable.

    Cheers Jem

  • Patriot

    Thanks Oz,

    But don't you guys think that with the loss of many publishers and many interested ones, that they are prepared to be leniant?

    I heard several stories from my local hall which leaves me to beleive that the WT doesnt want to lose any more people.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    At my congregation, just three weeks ago, they disfellowshipped two teenagers (one just got baptized a few months ago). They obviously had sex more than once and (I'm assuming) they were caught instead of proactively confessing.
    No mercy was shown in their case. These young people, who need support, were instead cast out like demons and now are shunned. Even sadder, they have since gotten married. I wonder how long the marriage will last?

  • out4good3

    Well...hopefully they'll stay together for a long time without the loving christian elder police and the nosy pioneer publishing servant flock looking over their shoulder questioning every decision they make as to whether or not it will "stumble" someone.

    Anyone interested in a confession of serious sins from the GB or the Faithful and discreet Slave ?

  • Patriot

    I hear you Biggs.

    Its really sad. These young people can grow up to be productive adults and be respected in the general community. But yet although they can be married for 50 years and be decent people, the WT will still brandish them as Df'd and not worthy of the Jw's even talking to them. Incredible ain't it?


  • Gopher

    Patriot, you asked:

    But don't you guys think that with the loss of many publishers and many interested ones, that they are prepared to be leniant?

    It seems to me that they believe that by "pruning" (i.e. disfellowshipping) the "weak branches", they make the rest of the tree stronger. In other words, they are going to lose the weak ones anyways. So why not make an example of them, and rally the rest of the troops by shocking them with a disfellowshipping? It's a good strategy for group control, this disfellowshipping thing. Any congregation in a slump needs one now and then. [8>]

    Out4good3, the Governing Body confessing their sins??? ROFL! That's a good one! They don't know confession is good for the soul! They're only looking at the bottom line, which includes membership numbers and funds stashed away. As has been pointed out previously on this forum (and as you probably are well aware), the GB (or whatever runs the WTS these days) is mainly interested in running the publishing corporation, despite claims of spiritual leadership to the contrary.

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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