You know you were a little girl of the 70's/80's

by closer2fine 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    OMG, this is heaven! lol

    Wonder woman
    Big Wheels
    Chips - *I was in love with John*
    Garfield everything
    Transformers - More then meets the eye...
    Burger King's paper king hats
    McDonald Happy meals came in paper boxes with cool toys
    99 red ballons
    A single pony tail on the side of the head
    Leg Warmers!
    Rainbow Brite
    Sasson Jeans
    Tab cola
    Weekly Readers
    Smokey the Bear and Hooty the Owl (ya

    Okay, wonder woman so rocked!! And Chips - forget John, it was the Hispanic guy - Ponce? - he was hot!! Oh, and book orders! And the best: after-school specials! I loved those cheesy movies with the little moral at the end. :-) Oh, Fraggle Rock!! And Pinwheel: Pinwheel, Pinwheel, spinning around, look at my pinwheel and see what I've found...

    Kitties (of the "now in la-la-land for the rest of the evening" class)

  • bem

    • How about Crocheted Ponchos. They have made a come back.
    • And Flip flops. were called thongs back then
    • Halter tops.
    • Hot pants. &
    • Cut off denims short shorts, Who wears short shorts?
  • bisous

    what??? No 70s California girls wore Sizzlers but me????

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Bisous, what are Sizzlers?

    - CF

  • bisous

    little dresses that were so short that they were really long tops/blouses with bikini pants in matching fabric.

    Hot-cha-cha baybee!

  • Leolaia

    51. You carried your peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich lunch to school in a Happy Days, Grease, or Star Wars lunch box.

    52. You remember the day you went to school and heard that Chico from Chico and the Man died.

    53. You thought the Captain in Captain and Tenille was a real captain of a ship.

    54. You hated missing Battlestar Galactica because it was on a book study night.

    55. You just hadda hadda hadda have a Strawberry Shortcake doll.

    56. You cried when Mr. Hooper died.

    57. You sometimes still say "There's no gnus like good gnus".

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