The Logic Of Christ

by radar 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar


    Example: Matthew 5:45. "for God makes it rain upon the Righteous and the Unrighteous"

    If you accept this reasoning above, then you must accept that the opposite is true also!
    For if God is responsible for the Rain, logically he must be responsible for Drought.
    If we are to credit God, for his impartiality in allowing the rain to fall on both kinds of people.
    Then likewise, with whom do we ascribe Drought to? We must credit Drought to God also.

    Using this same logic from Jesus, it is quite easy to preach the very opposite of what he was saying.
    Yet a true picture what we see around the World today.

    As follows: "If you see some one you care about in need, do nothing and prove yourselves sons of your father, who allows Drought, not only to fall upon the Unrighteous but the Righteous also"

  • nytelecom1
  • RunningMan

    Quite right, Radar. I have often thought of the same logic with regard to offering thanks at meal times.

    If God is responsible for providing food, then offering thanks is quite appropriate. But, if he is responsible for food provision, what about all of the people from whom he has withheld food? It is only appropriate that they take a moment before fasting, so that they can offer a brief curse.

  • logical

    God has provided food. However its MAN'S fault that its all in a big pile in europe.

  • aChristian


    I believe your reasoning is faulty.

    I have a daughter who lives in a dorm at college. If I take her a bag of groceries today, should she not thank me? If I do not also do so tomorrow, is it right for her to then curse me? I have more than one child. Occasionally I give them all gifts. However, I seldom give them all gifts on the same day. Is it right for one of my children who did not receive a gift from me on one particular day, but who has received gifts from me on other days, to curse me because they did not receive a gift from me on that particular day? When I give my children gifts the gifts I give them are seldom identical to the gifts I have recently given to their siblings. Is it right for my children to not appreciate the gifts I give them because the gifts I give them are different from the gifts I have recently given to my other children?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    It amazes me how many people on this board have such 'insight' into the true character, mind and will of God. It makes one wonder why, with such a vast gift of wisdom and knowledge that these same people don't use the gift to figure out how to make the world a better place.

  • aChristian


    How do you know they are not?

  • radar


    Like many of you Apologists, You attempt to make a round peg fit into a square hole and it don’t work. No matter how long your posts are and how hard you try to bang it in.
    You illustration simply don’t fit!! For example: You would not give your daughter groceries and at the same time allow your other daughter to starve would you? What loving father would neglect giving his child something so basic as food?
    Logical I think it would be more appropriate to thank the local farmers and supermarket than God. Did you not read ”Cursed be the ground” “In the sweat of your brow you will till the soil” What a loving father !!! man has food despite God not because of him
    nytelecom1 Nice photo, is that you holding Fred?

    Running man When I was kid, my mother would attempt to make me eat all my dinner by saying “ think of all those poor starving children who have no food”. This sort of had the opposite effect on me, by thinking of all those poor starving kids some how did not make me feel any hungrier.

  • Satanus


    Good points. Around my area, there are places where people work hard, cultivate the ground, and grow food, flowers trees, etc. They have even built plastic hot houses to grow stuff in the winter. On the other hand, areas left for god to do with what he wants, grow trees, shrubs or grass without any food for people. In the winter, god grows nothing at all. Score: people - 3, god - 1.


  • RunningMan


    First of all, argument by analogy is invalid (it is a good method of teaching, but not debating).

    For example, you used the analogy of buying your children gifts. Note that the post is in regard to basic necessities (food and rain). To make your analogy fit better, consider when your children were young, and you were responsible to provide for them. Did you ever capriciously withhold food or other necessities from them?

    You would naturally expect your children to be appreciative of your support and provision of necessities, but by the same token, wouldn't your children who starved and lived in the street, be rightfully bitter? - Especially if they later found out that you were wealthy, in fact controlling all of the food in the world?

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