Example: Matthew 5:45. "for God makes it rain upon the Righteous and the Unrighteous"
If you accept this reasoning above, then you must accept that the opposite is true also!
For if God is responsible for the Rain, logically he must be responsible for Drought.
If we are to credit God, for his impartiality in allowing the rain to fall on both kinds of people.
Then likewise, with whom do we ascribe Drought to? We must credit Drought to God also.
Using this same logic from Jesus, it is quite easy to preach the very opposite of what he was saying.
Yet a true picture what we see around the World today.
As follows: "If you see some one you care about in need, do nothing and prove yourselves sons of your father, who allows Drought, not only to fall upon the Unrighteous but the Righteous also"