Jewish fairy-tales then?
Offending Religion with Reality......
by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Myths and legends are found in all cultures, why be offended by someone pointing out that the bible contains Jewish myths and legends?
Why doesn't anyone hear of the Greeks being offended if the Hellenistic gods are referred to as myths and legends?
King Solomon
Tammy sez:
It is funny to me how some people think that they can diagnose mental illness over the internet... (all without a licence to practice psychology/psychiatry)... simply because they don't believe something is possible.
It's funny how many people show signs and symptomology of mental illness in daily life, and how it even comes across the internet in the messages they post.
BTW, I AM a licensed health-care provider in my State (an eye doc), and one of the things I learned during my training 20 yrs ago was that 10% of the population show symptomology suggestive of mental illness; only a small portion are actually diagnosed, and even fewer are treated. Point to us was that we should be careful in dealing with the general public, as you never know which pts will turn out to be sociopaths/psychotics who decide that YOU are the cause of all of their problems, and decide to kill you. That goes for ANYONE who's out in public: something to consider before you flip off the guy in the car who cut you off....
Even when practicing eye-care, my goal is not to diagnose mental illness: it's not why they're in MY chair (and I'm not licensed to practice mental health: that's the WHOLE REASON we have specialists in different fields! Psychologists don't remove glass embedded in the eye, and I don't treat psychoses, LOL!).
There are SOME cases where the chief complaint that brought them to my chair MAY be related to their mental health, many pts will complain of eye problems which are not due to observable pathology (AKA ocular disease or conditions), but MAY be psychological in their origins. In fact, I gave you a PERFECT example in the other thread of the gang member who was convinced the gang implanted a bug behind his eyeball. Then my responsibility is to rule out ocular disease, but then to refer them to mental health providers who can make a definitive diagnosis (where all of my suspicions are only preliminary: I refer the pt to them with a "rule out" diagnosis).
That's my responsibility (PLUS, I can be sued for failure to do so!), and you'd better believe I take it seriously.
Flipside is I don't haunt forums LOOKING for such, either. That's liability I don't assume unless I'm getting PAID!
(Compare that to Xian faith healers, who do what I'd NEVER dare to do: claim to treat someone, based on faith, LOL!)
Many think they're fine and won't seek help. Many people around them don't even think they have a problem and won't do anything about it until the mental illness acually progresses to the dangerous levels, but then again seemingly sane people have drowned thei kids because the voice told them so - by that point it's too late for help.
Yup, that's what I was trying to say, but you made the point better. Thanks. ;)
I mean Really? Delusion overrides the science that may explain mass?
If you've never seen Mike Judge's prophetic movie, Idiocracy, you should check it out.
Frankly, I thought he was FAR TOO CONSERVATIVE of the time-line for it coming true: I'd dare say we're already there, and Xians will be the ones ushering us there even quicker than expected. :)
Likewise, scientists typically dislike the name "God particle." The basic God
concept is a personal choice about faith or as a philsophical concern (I'd recom-
mend M. Adler) outside the scope of what the finding shows.Of course, you MUST be aware that the name was dubbed by the media as a method to sell more papers, AKA trolling the general public for fun AND profit. The particle doesn't attempt to explain or disprove God's existence: that's a popular urban legend that (surprise!) xians have picked up with a relish, since it fits into their "science is evil!" beliefs.
Higgs Boson particle got that name because one of the scientists looking for it was extremely frustrated, and began referring to it as "that God-damned!" particle. Although truncated (to remove it's possibly offensive nature, albeit making things even MORE offensive to xians in the process), the nick-name stuck.
King Solomon
The myths of the Jews, hmmm.
So because I’m Jewish, I’ve been “dumb-downed”? So that would mean that Jews are “a population of ignorants.”
That’s anti-Semitism. That’s more than just being offensive.
I believe this is my cue to leave, ladies and gentlemen. That has crossed the line.
Relax, OGD. With your skills for jumping to conclusions, you should enter the Olympics to compete in the long-jump! :)
Cultural anthropologists define the word 'myth' very differently from the layperson's definition, focusing instead on the function the belief serves the community. Using the word myth doesn't carry any judgment of it's true or falsehood, but simply focuses on the role the belief affords the society which uses it.
In the case of the Hebraic/Jewish tradition, the function afforded by the belief is unifying, offering a sense of belonging to the community which was threatened by syncretism, military attack by foreigners and subsequent slavery (asking, "why has God foresaken us?"), etc. The technology of scrolls afforded literacy, a way to spread and record a unified message to allow the culture not to be lost.
That stated, I personally belief that ALL of the World's myths are FALSE, since all are early (and even current) humans' attempts to answer the unanswerable questions of, "why are we here?" and "how did this all come into being?"
BTW, if you haven't looked into the much older creation myths of the Akkadians, Babylonians, Greeks, etc, you're missing out on the likely source of your own ancestor's beliefs. As the Bible itself indicates, there is nothing new under the Sun, including the ideas contained in the Old Testament.
Offended because someone called the Jewish faith a bunch of myths? If something this tiny offends you, I suggest cancelling your internet service because you are going to be in for a rough ride.
King Solomon
The myths of the Jews, hmmm.
Interesting that I don't see a post where anyone even said that?
OGD are you creating a straw-man here, or was a truly-inflammatory, unsupported needlessly provocative post deleted (that hopefully contained something far worse than THAT)?
I know that some people are offended at the mere thought of being offended by something others say, but this is a head-scratcher....
AK - Jeff
Oldgenerationdude: If you wish to be offended, then at least read the context of that of which you wish to bitch! There is nothing anti-semetic in references to the source material from which much of western religion takes its lead. Your suggestion of such is a red herring to this argument - but I suspect you were well aware of that before you stated it.
I find prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance very disturbing.
I know what you're saying...however...
It is most difficult to find a religion that doesn't have FIXED views which are not to be questioned or changed.
This results in what amounts to PRE-judging anyone who does not conform to the FIXED "norm". Look at how Evangelicals squirm at homosexuality.
Are they open to accepting a decent, law-abiding, nurturning gay person? No. It is pre-judging that prevents rational analysis and human decency from
having a small chance. Prejudging is Prejudice, by the way.
And how can this result in anything but INTOLERANCE?
Refusing to allow human beings who love each other to marry and have it recognized as legal is nothing but INTOLERANCE and religion is the reason most often cited.
Bigotry is an interesting word. It is part of the unholy trinity of prejudice and intolerance.
Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Arabs and Jews, Catholics and Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses near everybody else...the list goes on!
What is required of the orthodox practicing religious faithful is an active passion toward "clean" worship. Clean is variously defined to include identifying
non-members as UN-clean.
I'd be most interested in your rebuttal.
"The myths of the Jews"
This is NOT an anti-semitic statement.
No lines have been crossed in this thread.
Peace be to all who contribute to it.